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dems want a war with russia...

dems want a war with russia...



The insurance policy being played out.



Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
The insurance policy being played out.

You lost me at FOX News,


Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
The insurance policy being played out.

Republicans cozying up with Russian spies:

According to court papers, Butina met with U.S. politicians and candidates, attended events sponsored by special interest groups — including two National Prayer Breakfast events — and organized Russian-American “friendship and dialogue” dinners in Washington with the goal of “reporting back to Moscow” what she had learned.

The affidavit also stated she started reaching out to NRA members and other American gun enthusiasts in 2013, on several occasions hosting NRA executives and gun activists in Moscow, including one delegation that included former Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

She and Torshin also attended a series of NRA events in the United States starting in 2014.


No surprise there.

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Originally posted by @mott-the-hoople
The insurance policy being played out.

Ah, another Russian citizen unjustly accused, what is next? People accusing Trump of being under the thumb of Pukin? NAH, never happen.

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Originally posted by @wolfe63
You lost me at FOX News,
Here's a bbc website story about the same thing. I'm not convinced I see the logical chain of reasoning that gets us from a slightly salacious story about an alleged spy who is alleged to have offered a prospective US employer sex to get a job to the statement that the Democrats want a war with Russia.


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Originally posted by @deepthought
Here's a bbc website story about the same thing. I'm not convinced I see the logical chain of reasoning that gets us from a slightly salacious story about an alleged spy who is alleged to have offered a prospective US employer sex to get a job to the statement that the Democrats want a war with Russia.

What do you expect from a bleeding heart Trumpite?

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