Now estimates for future population trends may be all over the place.
Some say 10 billion may not happen till 2080.
One estimate says 9 billion may not even happen.
So far, news is that China's birth rate is at it's lowest point ever.
This is due to the 1 child policy set in place more than 4 decades ago.
Yes, it does take that long because the effects are generational.
India is starting to level off.
I had read several years back that the Earth could sustain about 12 billion people maximum.
That being said, just bringing China and India up to the same standard of living as US and Western nations would be like adding 2 billion people.
So we still have to be careful how we use our resources. And basically just stop using some of them (carbon based for example).
For discussion.....
@dillhole saidOnly reason it would level off is because mass starvation/energy resources dry up and we revert back to a near stone age living.
From what I've read we will max out at 10 billion around the end of the century and then level out for a while then dropping.
Fertility rates are getting lower and lower, apparently that is a big problem.
I think we have way too many people as it is now.
@jj-adams saidOr we hit a point where we have just enough renewable resources to keep a population going.
Only reason it would level off is because mass starvation/energy resources dry up and we revert back to a near stone age living.
We aren't going to breed ourselves into starvation.
Laws will eventually be put into place to keep the population in check.
@dillhole saidPeople have been starving in Africa and Asia for a long time, what laws are you referring to?
Or we hit a point where we have just enough renewable resources to keep a population going.
We aren't going to breed ourselves into starvation.
Laws will eventually be out into place to keep the population in check.
The Western countries have been trying to feed starving Africans for a century and send them all manner of medical and financial aid , look what good it's done.
they just keep breeding and DEMANDING more.
Can't recall African nations ever saying thanks.
@jj-adams saidThe Chinese had the One Child Policy but such laws are unnecessary. Improved living conditions will change breeding behavior.
People have been starving in Africa and Asia for a long time, what laws are you referring to?
The Western countries have been trying to feed starving Africans for a century and send them all manner of medical and financial aid , look what good it's done.
they just keep breeding and DEMANDING more.
Can't recall African nations ever saying thanks.
@athousandyoung saidThat is true, but when will Bill Gates and the Rockefellers acknowledge that and help improve the standard of living of people around the world? Also, with 8 billion people there is a lot of talent being unrealized because they cannot afford an education.
The Chinese had the One Child Policy but such laws are unnecessary. Improved living conditions will change breeding behavior.
We have enough potential talent to solve almost all of the world's problems if education was free everywhere. The population is not the problem, it is the failure to keep them healthy and educate them.
@dillhole saidSen. Schumer Calls For Amnesty For 11+ Million Illegals Because American Population 'Is Not Reproducing On Its Own'.
Or we hit a point where we have just enough renewable resources to keep a population going.
We aren't going to breed ourselves into starvation.
Laws will eventually be put into place to keep the population in check.