22 Apr 05
Originally posted by XanthosNZSay! Are you sure you are not just doing the "theme of the day" and blasting old svw just for the hell of it?
Ebaumsworld is the toilet of the internet.
If so... welcome to the club of "truly not too inventive sort of Internet Lizard Boys" or "TNT is sort of Ignernt lazy Bastards"
Originally posted by StarValleyWyyea, didnt see anything like it before, but then again I havent had much experience in art. Amazing how he can transform images that quickly, at least for me.
Did you watch it?
What did you think? I really think it is a new step in a new media.
But what do I know?
Originally posted by lioyankFor me as well. I think that it is totally amazing.
yea, didnt see anything like it before, but then again I havent had much experience in art. Amazing how he can transform images that quickly, at least for me.
I would give my left gonad to be able to do that.
But then... the universe seems to have its own monetary exchange.
It hasn't even offered the exchange. 😳😲😛
Originally posted by lioyankNo. <giggle> If you do a search, you will find I have never posted there. Nor will I.
haven't seen you on the "spirituality" forum lately, you still visit?
I moved from the General to the Debates because the guys in General got really pissed at having to think.
I have gods mercy in my soul. I won't... can't ask people in the "magic" forum to put up with me.
Now here. That's another matter. I expect all people with DogsStuckOnTheirRear ends and others to just grin and bear it.
They are in the "argument" zone of their own choice. So... I have the right to ply them a bit. Can't really ply too hard. They bust easily. No substance you know. But that's their problem.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyVery cool!
And I present my first nomination as to truly great "Art" in the baby medium.
Warning. Don't load this if you don't have a "fast" service. On a phone modum, you will not succeed. But those of you with a fast connect to the internet... enjoy.