the present system [changing i know] alows women to retire earlier than men, today in the daily express [a article by holly thomas] giving the impresion they have not put enough in to there pension as there males stating they use it for the family etc[my thought is they like to spend it and complain latter], would it be better then to make the state retirement for women 65 now giving them more time to save,
Originally posted by stokerI don't know anything about the British government pension system, but that doesn't seem very fair to me.
the present system [changing i know] alows women to retire earlier than men, today in the daily express [a article by holly thomas] giving the impresion they have not put enough in to there pension as there males stating they use it for the family etc[my thought is they like to spend it and complain latter], would it be better then to make the state retirement for women 65 now giving them more time to save,