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First day of trial is puzzling

First day of trial is puzzling



A tax evasion witness.?? What has that got to do with this case? What crime was Trump trying to conceal, anyway. That has not been made clear.
The trouble for Trump is this minefield, one slip of tongue, (and he does a lot of talking) could backfire on him, and we could lose it.
If Biden wins, are y'all going to make us house the immigrants, legal and illegal, in our homes? You will see a wave of movements, such as selling all of our homes, and I will sell mine. But easy for me, I have places to go. Some of you will be here still, to feel the burn. Ruminate how different things could be if Biden were president and everything was purely liberalized. Everyone would indeed, at the end of the day, all end up in the same place. Brrrrrr

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You can take solace in the fact that the SC will probably decide on your side. Again.



@suzianne said
You can take solace in the fact that the SC will probably decide on your side. Again.

You might not be qualified to weigh in on SCOTUS, since you think they ruled, for instance, that abortion for example is a State problem. A correct ruling, They follow the Constitution. This child finds those rulings inconvenient?? She does NOT follow the constitution??
Suejack and Sonhouse. What a team.

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@averagejoe1 said
A tax evasion witness.?? What has that got to do with this case? What crime was Trump trying to conceal, anyway. That has not been made clear.
The trouble for Trump is this minefield, one slip of tongue, (and he does a lot of talking) could backfire on him, and we could lose it.
If Biden wins, are y'all going to make us house the immigrants, legal and ille ...[text shortened]... liberalized. Everyone would indeed, at the end of the day, all end up in the same place. Brrrrrr
I'm sure its puzzling to you Joe, but the prosecutions documented and taped evidence paints a very clear picture of fraud and election interference.

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I'll take her over you any day of the week for any reason. You are a blight on the face of America.
You really think SCOTUS was following the constitution on Roe V Wade?
They are in the pockets of billionaires, giving just the ultrarightwingnuts there lavish vacations and many gifts with no accounting, if that was happening to Biden you would be screaming to the top of your weak lungs and you know it but you will just claim you know nothing about the out in the open corruption of the right wing segment of SCOTUS.


@averagejoe1 said
You might not be qualified to weigh in on SCOTUS, since you think they ruled, for instance, that abortion for example is a State problem. A correct ruling, They follow the Constitution. This child finds those rulings inconvenient?? She does NOT follow the constitution??
Suejack and Sonhouse. What a team.
Would a constitutional amendment convince you?

Is that what it will take?


@suzianne said
You can take solace in the fact that the SC will probably decide on your side. Again.

Just for clarity, I was speaking about the issue before the Court this week.

Whether a city can declare homelessness to be a crime.

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Tax evasion? That is Trump's MO and he said so on TV, 'It just shows I am SMART"
But he is in much worse off right now with the election interference case counting 34 felonies SO FAR. As much as I wish he were in prison for the rest of his ugly orange pasted life, it is also clear he will get off with probation and MAYBE an ankle bracelet. If you or I got guilty pleas in any ONE of those felony counts we would be in prison for decades. But Trump is definitely treated better than any mere citizen and you LOVE that, putting Trump above the law is your ultimate goal, no matter what he does to our democracy if by some god forsaken reason he gets reelected.


@suzianne said
Just for clarity, I was speaking about the issue before the Court this week.

Whether a city can declare homelessness to be a crime.
Of course they can. Misdemeanor at the least. And what ever happened to the term vagrant ? If they don’t have such powers, why, these people could rest their head on the curb in front of my house. I have 4 kids, 3,5,6and 8, They want to cavort in the front yard for May’s fireflies, and then I will have the neighbors and families over for dinner off the grill, which is parked right by that curb.

You pretend to ‘not get it.’ ……….. right?!?!?


@sonhouse said
Tax evasion? That is Trump's MO and he said so on TV, 'It just shows I am SMART"
But he is in much worse off right now with the election interference case counting 34 felonies SO FAR. As much as I wish he were in prison for the rest of his ugly orange pasted life, it is also clear he will get off with probation and MAYBE an ankle bracelet. If you or I got guil ...[text shortened]... mate goal, no matter what he does to our democracy if by some god forsaken reason he gets reelected.
Sonhouse says here he wants trump to be imprisoned for the rest of his life. I deplore everything about Biden, but don’t want prison for rest of his life.


Don't worry, what I wish and what will actually be happening will be a lot different, probably probation and THIS court case will be over way before November and I predict he WILL be convicted but getting probation not jail and an ankle bracelet which would piss Trump off even more because he PLANS to use jail time to claim he is Joan of Arc, a real martyr so he can beg for even more money, sell more fake bibles and stupid boots.


@sonhouse said
Don't worry, what I wish and what will actually be happening will be a lot different, probably probation and THIS court case will be over way before November and I predict he WILL be convicted but getting probation not jail and an ankle bracelet which would piss Trump off even more because he PLANS to use jail time to claim he is Joan of Arc, a real martyr so he can beg for even more money, sell more fake bibles and stupid boots.
Yeah, keep typing.
You said that you hope Trump goes to prison for the rest of his life. Are you human. You lack civility, you lack a lot of things. Life sentence.
Life sentence. Please tell us why you think he should do life. Without rant, you sick fella. You don’t deserve a ‘feller’ ,that is an endearing form.

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The corrupt ultrarightwingnuts on SCOTUS knew exactly what would happen if they killed R VWade and Hobbs. DOWN WITH AMERICAN CITIZENS HAVING FREEDOMS, since politicians know WAY more than those cursed doctors trying to help women's reproductive lives, they knew for certain a BUNCH of states would immediately make it a crime to even cross state lines for an abortion in free states and if the ultrarightwingnuts in house and senate gain control they WILL make abortion at 6 weeks illegal in all states, 6 weeks when most women don't even know they are pregnant. Bunch of ultrarightwingnut SICKO's.

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I guess for you an attempted coup to overthrow our government and the peaceful transfer of power and those folks who died on Jan6 is nothing to you, and you hope the next time he will be successful, that first one was just a rehearsal.

Or the hundreds of thousands of covid deaths he could have prevented but he was playing down the crisis for MONTHS, saying bullshyte like ingest bleach or stick a UV light up your butt, kills covid in minutes.

Or putting 5000 children ripped from the arms of moms without even the human thing to do, at least get the names of the parents and tape those names to the kids. Hundreds of those kids may never find their parents again with the attendant mental issues that brings YOU DAMN RIGHT HE SHOULD GET LIFE. Eight of those kids FUKKING DIED YOU POS COMMIE.

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