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French Election


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Seems like Macron's party took a beating and the far right is resurgent by MSM accounts here. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/19/europe/france-parliamentary-election-macron-intl/index.html



Any of our Euros want to weigh in?


I think because of covid, the average IQ of the entire world population has taken a hit, it definitely affects the brain as well as other organs, lungs, kidneys and the like.
My daughter lives in Brazil, teaches music at uni level and got covid and she said she is in constant brain fog and she is pursuing her Phd in music so that is affecting here right now and I think with the tens of millions or more already infected around the world, brain power average has gone down so people who would never vote for ultrarightwingnuts will do so now because of reduced analytic skills, the net result being increased gullibility, they tend to believe anything they are told.

So the entire planet is in for fascism for decades to come and will probably be the same here in oh so free US.

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@sonhouse said
I think because of covid, the average IQ of the entire world population has taken a hit, it definitely affects the brain as well as other organs, lungs, kidneys and the like.
My daughter lives in Brazil, teaches music at uni level and got covid and she said she is in constant brain fog and she is pursuing her Phd in music so that is affecting here right now an ...[text shortened]... re planet is in for fascism for decades to come and will probably be the same here in oh so free US.
There's been a surge of leftist victories in Latin American countries culminating with a former Marxist guerrilla winning the presidency of Colombia, historically one of the most conservative South American nations. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/colombia/2022-06-19/gustavo-petros-big-win

"Petro’s showing was the latest leftist political victory in Latin America fueled by voters’ desire for change. Chile, Peru and Honduras elected leftist presidents in 2021, and in Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is leading the polls for this year’s presidential election."


Maybe one region of the world is getting it right.


Far Right politics are coming back because every developed country has a hard on for immigration and it's making cities worse not better.


Yes and you are SO believable having been born and raised in Moscow, Italy AND South Africa. And of course we believe every word you type.

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@sonhouse - I think because of covid, the average IQ of the entire world population has taken a hit, it definitely affects the brain as well as other organs, lungs, kidneys and the like.

You betcha!

Those wokes, cancels, zombies, liberals, commies and other batshoot crazy leftist loons have no hope.

Sad times in America and the world


They think a dude can be a woman.



@no1marauder said
There's been a surge of leftist victories in Latin American countries culminating with a former Marxist guerrilla winning the presidency of Colombia, historically one of the most conservative South American nations. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/colombia/2022-06-19/gustavo-petros-big-win

"Petro’s showing was the latest leftist political victory in Latin Ameri ...[text shortened]... ial-elections-2d1828677b5ab1a2eb5d277c02f1b27c

Maybe one region of the world is getting it right.
What happened to the good old days when we used to talk about the Sandinistas and the Contras?

Yes, Nicaragua is still communist but they seem to escape the wrath of the MSM and the feds here.



@lipareeno said
They think a dude can be a woman.

I can see it 50 years from now when ppl sit around talking about this era, and they will say things like, "Those crazy forkers believed WHAT...?"

Yes. it is sad to see so many ppl fall for such a flimsy con game.


The "math is racist" was the craziest one.


@no1marauder said
Seems like Macron's party took a beating and the far right is resurgent by MSM accounts here. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/19/europe/france-parliamentary-election-macron-intl/index.html



Any of our Euros want to weigh in?
The far left in France made gains as well.
In fact the far left party is the opposition.
What I am seeing is that countries are being divided.

The biggest culprit I am seeing is the battle for the social makeup of humanity moving forward.
People don't want to talk about this angle.
But the softer social issues like same sex marriage, abortion and gender fluidity are the hot ticket items that most activists keep in their back pocket until the right time.

Look what's happened in the GOP run states.
Not COVID, not inflation, not immigration where action is taken
The biggest legislative moves have been against abortion.

The conservative vs liberal battles are happening all over.


@no1marauder said
Seems like Macron's party took a beating and the far right is resurgent by MSM accounts here. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/19/europe/france-parliamentary-election-macron-intl/index.html



Any of our Euros want to weigh in?
The far left and the far right won. The left winning more than the right.

Which is obviously a good thing.

However, Macron’s party remains the largest, but no longer an overal majority. This means to pass stuff, he’ll have to join ip with other parties… which could mean teaming up with the extreme right on some issues.

Which is obviously a bad thing.

There is a chance that he’ll lean more to the left to get things done… but the left will try to form a block with the far left… so, the speculation is that the decision making will become slightly more right wing.


@lipareeno said
Far Right politics are coming back because every developed country has a hard on for immigration and it's making cities worse not better.
That’s a bold statement.

Care to explain why every country has this hardon for immigration?
What’s driving it?
What happens if there is no immigration?

Go on. You’ve obviously got a very informed opinion. You must have weighed the pro’s and cons up on this issue.

I truly await your detailed analysis.

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