The ultrarightwingnuts here as apologists for the law WANT it that way BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST and only want WHITEY to vote, forget ASIANS, Blacks, brown skins, they are subhuman and only deserve to be sent back to their old country.
@sonhouse saidLooks like the law applies to everyone equally.
The ultrarightwingnuts here as apologists for the law WANT it that way BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST and only want WHITEY to vote, forget ASIANS, Blacks, brown skins, they are subhuman and only deserve to be sent back to their old country.
What part of the law only pertains to asian, black, and brown people?
@sonhouse saidThe sensationalist, sonhouse, has returned to duty. [clap]
The ultrarightwingnuts here as apologists for the law WANT it that way BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST and only want WHITEY to vote, forget ASIANS, Blacks, brown skins, they are subhuman and only deserve to be sent back to their old country.
Tell me, sonhouse, what was the rationale to pass this law, according to the Georgia republicans?
Geeee, could it be that the democrats were caught handing out food and asking voters to vote democrat?? 🤔
I'm suspicious here, what about it, SH
@sonhouse said"“As if written by White House staff for the most gullible and easily controlled idiots in the country.”"
The ultrarightwingnuts here as apologists for the law WANT it that way BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST and only want WHITEY to vote, forget ASIANS, Blacks, brown skins, they are subhuman and only deserve to be sent back to their old country.
@dood111 saidWhy wont Sonhouse or any liberal stay on this perfect query (of them), and answer/explain this for us? They do NOT answer questions. You definitely will not get one from Sonhouse.
Looks like the law applies to everyone equally.
What part of the law only pertains to asian, black, and brown people?
@AverageJoe1 I'm going to turn in, will you take the night watch in case an answer comes in, wake me no matter what.
So the bottom line for you is you will NEVER read something that could spoil your pre approved message. Try reading the NYT article if you dare.
@sonhouse said"What part of the law only pertains to asian, black and brown people?" Sonhouse, this is the question. And I notice you say here, 'You', referencing me. Why say that, it has nothing to do with the question.
So the bottom line for you is you will NEVER read something that could spoil your pre approved message. Try reading the NYT article if you dare.
So taking 'me' out of the equation, it simply remains that there is a question that you can answer here. Could you, or not?
You really are a piece of work. The parts effecting blacks, browns, Asians is the use of the laws more rigorously in Black, Brown and Asian areas but of course racists like you can't see anything wrong with voter suppression.
This is a fight for the existence of our democracy and nothing less.
250 bills designed to limit non white votes are going on as we speak around the country like a toxic plague of republican effort.
Repubs want to kill Roe V Wade, stop immigration, kill the ACA and the like.
Democrats are getting things done which helps repubs as well as dems. But you knew that but cannot get yourself to admit the years of repub rule were DISASTERS for the US.
@Mott-The-Hoople -
show evidence of “suppression” in the Ga. law.
Ok, Mott, as a conservative, I admit it. The Ga. law suppresses.... CHEATING
<grin> 😆 😆