No I did NOT believe that crap about WMD in Iraq because it was touted also by president Cheney.
Cheney is one of a long list of corrupters in the Republican party.
Just look at their votes on gun control, border protection, trying to overthrow a Biden presidency by force, egged on by Trump and Rudy and that bunch of cretins.
Republicans want one thing: aim for zero government so big corps can rule unopposed, trampling decades of EPA rules banning such things as toxic waste dumped into the nearest river.
Republicans don't WANT to do actual governing, instead, concentrating on stopping ANY democrat led initiative. Just look at the wastebasket of Moscow Mitch.
The post that was quoted here has been removedhttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/04/why-do-muslim-states-stay-silent-over-chinas-uighur-brutality
From the duchesses own professed bastion of the truth, quoted constantly by her.
I did not read it all but enough to understand the gist of it.
It suits the Duchy to quote the guardian but it must only be credible when it agrees with her.
Ok duchess, do you agree with the guardian on this or not, is the guardian meaningful enough for you.
The post that was quoted here has been removeddishonest implication, load of bollocks, never implied anything, simply highlighting your hypocrisy. Go back to la la land.
Anyways, are you saying that the Author of this article is lying, sounds like it. I suspect you would know, Yes??