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Green Crooks


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March 18, 2010 10:06 AM EDT by John Stossel
Green Crooks

People who commit their lives to going green are just better people. They're more moral, more honest. At least, they keep telling us that, and apparently many students believe it, say University of Toronto psychologists:

They initially quizzed the students on their impressions of people who buy eco-friendly products, and for the most part, they considered such consumers to be more “more cooperative, altruistic and ethical” than ordinary consumers...

Then the researchers took it an extra step: They ran a test to see who would be more likely to cheat and steal: Greens? Or conventional shoppers?

They divided the greens and conventional shoppers, and then gave the students a test that tempted them to steal money. The researchers found:

The green consumers were more likely to cheat than the conventional purchasers, and they stole more money when asked to withdraw their winnings from envelopes on their desks.

This concept of moral license has been demonstrated before, writes Wray Herbert in his blog for the Association for Psychological Science.

(W)hen they have reason to feel a little superior, that positive self image triggers a sense of moral license. That is, the righteous feel they have some latitude to stray a bit in order to compensate. It’s like working in a soup kitchen gives you the right to cheat on your taxes later in the week.

Maybe that’s why sanctimonious stewards of the environment like Al Gore are comfortable lecturing the rest of us while living large in mega-mansions.

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quote: Maybe that’s why sanctimonious stewards of the environment like Al Gore are comfortable lecturing the rest of us while living large in mega-mansions.

http://newsbusters.org/node/11149 (2007)

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Originally posted by living in a cave
quote: Maybe that’s why sanctimonious stewards of the environment like Al Gore are comfortable lecturing the rest of us while living large in mega-mansions.

http://newsbusters.org/node/11149 (2007)

Former Vice President Al Gore has built a Green money-making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors, including himself, but he set it up so that the average Joe can't afford to play on Gore's terms. And the US portion is headed up by a former Gore staffer and fund raiser who previously ran afoul of both the FEC and the DOJ, before Janet Reno jumped in and shut down an investigation during the Clinton years.


[H]ow Gore buys his "carbon offsets," as revealed by The Tennessean raises serious questions. According to the newspaper's report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management:

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe...

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.

Fascinating. So, as Dr. Global Warming travels the world in his private jet while spending 20 times the average American on energy for his home, all the time telling us its okay because he’s buying carbon offsets, he’s actually purchasing these investments from himself.

Furthermore, and maybe more important, Gore stands to benefit financially in a potentially huge way if more and more people buy into this junk science.


However, as Riehl pointed out, this story is even juicier:

To add insult to injury, Gore chose Peter S. Knight, an old friend and colleague some are sure to recall, as the US President of GIM.

Peter S. Knight, formerly Managing Director Met West Financial, lawyer, Chief of Staff for Senator Al Gore (D-TN) from 1977-1989, and Campaign Manager for President Clinton's successful re-election in 1996, is President of Generation U.S.

This would be him: Reno Rejects Inquiry Into a Clinton Aide

Atty Gen Janet Reno decides against any further investigation of Peter Knight, Pres Clinton's 1996 campaign manager in connection with office building development in nation's capital; such an investigation could have led to naming independent counsel to look further into activities of Knight, who is also former top assistant to Vice Pres Al Gore.

Yes, thanks to Janet Reno, no one ever found out how $20,000 in stock turned up in an account for Knight's then 13 year old child.

Dispute over Democratic Party campaign-financing shifts to Zachary Knight, 13-year-old son of Peter S Knight, Clinton-Gore campaign chairman in 1996, who was given $20,000 in stock by William Haney 3d, chairman of Molten Metal Technology Inc; Republicans believe gift, which came after father was named chairman of campaign, was really payment to Knight, who had worked as $7,000-per-month lobbyist for company; Knight denies involvement in any impropriety; photo

Riehl accurately asked:

If Gore's motivation in pushing Global Warming is so altruistic, was it really necessarily for the already wealthy Gore to establish a multi-million dollar corporation in England to cash in? And given the history of Gore and Knight, are these people we should trust to drive a re-vamping of the world economy at the same time they're lining their pockets because of our much smaller carbon footprints?


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When you add it all up, this is a flimflam of epic proportions:

First, Gore sets up a company that will invest in other companies that will benefit from global warming alarmism
Second, Gore gets some Hollywood types to fund and produce a movie designed to scare the c-c-carbon out of the population
Third, Gore travels the world promoting this movie, while pushing the view that a cataclysm is imminent if the world doesn't immediately act
Fourth, an adoring media falls for the con hook, line, and sinker. Rather than debunking the flaws in the theories, the media promote every word of it while advancing the concept that Gore's views represent those of an overwhelming majority of scientists
Fifth, scared governments and citizens across the globe invest in alternative energy programs driving up the shares of companies Gore's group has already invested in
Sixth, Gore and his cronies make billions as they laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of their fellow citizens


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Originally posted by zeeblebot

March 18, 2010 10:06 AM EDT by John Stossel
Green Crooks

People who commit their lives to going green are just better people. They're more moral, more honest. At least, they keep telling us that, and apparently many students believe it, say University of Toronto psychologi ...[text shortened]... ment like Al Gore are comfortable lecturing the rest of us while living large in mega-mansions.
does the same effect apply to principled conservatives? - or anyone else who has strong principles?

would we all actually become more trustworthy people if we deliberately behaved in ways that were a little bit immoral?

actually a very interesting concept.

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Originally posted by zeeblebot

When you add it all up, this is a flimflam of epic proportions:

First, Gore sets up a company that will invest in other companies that will benefit from global warming alarmism
Second, Gore gets some Hollywood types to fund and produce a movie designed to scare the c-c-carbon out of the population
Third, G ...[text shortened]... llions as they laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of their fellow citizens

Eerily similar to Glenn Beck and his gold selling company.

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Originally posted by zeeblebot

Former Vice President Al Gore has built a Green money-making machine capable of eventually generating billions of dollars for investors, including himself, but he set it up so that the average Joe can't afford to play on Gore's terms. And the US portion is headed up by a former Gore staffer and fund raiser who previously ran afoul of both the FEC an ...[text shortened]... 're lining their pockets because of our much smaller carbon footprints?

the greening agenda is global too.

eugenics never went out of vogue

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Eerily similar to Glenn Beck and his gold selling company.
who pays attention to beck?

is beck proposing to spend a few jillion of other people's money on initiatives he stands to profit from?

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
who pays attention to beck?

is beck proposing to spend a few jillion of other people's money on initiatives he stands to profit from?
I wonder if Beck's monthly electric bill is as high as Gore's ?

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
who pays attention to beck?

is beck proposing to spend a few jillion of other people's money on initiatives he stands to profit from?

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Me thinks you have become comfortably numb.
Try stepping back, and thinking, look for that clear light.

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Originally posted by KazetNagorra

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
hold on, he has to run a quick web search,,,,

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