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Gresham's Law

Gresham's Law


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In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.


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Originally posted by DOlivier2004

In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.

Insulting posters drive out civil posters.

It's called RHP's law.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Insulting posters drive out civil posters.

It's called RHP's law.

RHP's Law
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Here is your chance! 😉

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Originally posted by Peachy

RHP's Law
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eedy deletion for possible reasons it may have been deleted.

Here is your chance! 😉
This Wiki thingy is your idea. I leave all the fame and fortune completely to you .... 😉

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Originally posted by DOlivier2004

In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.

The thing is... nobody can agree on the meaning of "good" and/or "bad" when OPINION is concerned. Have you ever known a single person who said "Yup. You sure did win that argument, no doubt about it. You are just smart and I am dumb." ... outside of raging sarcasm?

Interesting to think about in the larger context of world peace. It is why I have always said that the demise of war anytime soon is highly exaggerated.

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Signal to Noise ratio.

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Originally posted by DOlivier2004

In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.

Good point about how lazy posts are often more highly rewarded than well-constructed ones. Gresham's Law doesn't quite fit however because there people hold the "good" money because it has a higher return elsewhere (i.e. rather than spend it on some item which can be purchased with the "bad" money, one can melt it down and sell it in blocks on the market).

What outside operation are people here engaging in with the "good" posts?

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Insulting posters drive out civil posters.

It's called RHP's law.
Are there insulting posters here?

Are you here?


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
The thing is... nobody can agree on the meaning of "good" and/or "bad" when OPINION is concerned. Have you ever known a single person who said "Yup. You sure did win that argument, no doubt about it. You are just smart and I am dumb." ... outside of raging sarcasm?

Interesting to think about in the larger context of world peace. It is why I have always said that the demise of war anytime soon is highly exaggerated.
very good point. there is a meta-ethical view called emotivism. basically what it says is that when making moral statements we are expressing an attitude. we are not expressing beliefs about propositions that can be verified by empirical means. so when in an argument we argue about the empirical facts of the case assuming that if we can get the other person to agree to the facts of the case then they will have a similar attitude, being conditioned in a similar way. if the other person agrees to the empirical facts of the case but still does not have the same attitude, we are reduced to abusing the other and ultimately feeling that our moral code is superior to theirs. doesn't this sound like what actually happens in moral disagreement? the upshot of this is that whenever we are saying something is good or bad this is purely an expression of our attitude about it and has no relation to anything objective. this view has been promoted by such philosophers as a.j. ayer and c.l. stevenson in the 70's, if anyone is interested in some interesting literature on morality.

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Originally posted by DOlivier2004

In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.

Its a bit like that other famous chessnut, not by mary k unfortuantely, that postulates that the long run tendancy of societies, is to sink to the lowest common denominator, insofar as downgrading the thresholds of morality and the erosion of generally accepted traditional standards.

Its a bit like the thermodynamic entropy argument, which says that entropy tends to increase in any system, hence the long run tendancy in any high order energy state is to eventually run down to a lower energy state.(simplified thermo 101).

This would mean that over time, as bad money(or any other "bad currency" whether that be in the form of a socially accepted behaviour, business relationship, foreign policy etc) was gradually introduced into circulation, the very notion of an authentic currency, is undermined through the self serving engines of cynicism and skepticism as to whom that currency actually benefits, to the logical conclusion that counterfeit currency eventually erodes the very foundations upon which that "money" was used to facilitate social and economic transactions in the first place.

In short, at some arbitrary point of sliding from a high energy state to a lower one, via the thin edge of the wedge of some attractive but downhill process, all we have left to look forward to, is for a critical mass of societal intransigence and recalcitrance to develop, and without any effort, history will re-enact the fall of Rome in a society near you.

But nil desperandum, dont despair, the DVD is scheduled out for quick release straight to the home market. See it soon at your local blockbuster!

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Originally posted by DOlivier2004

In short, Bad money drives good money out of circulation. In the context of posts on a forum, bad posts drown out good posts to the point of obscurity.

As with Gresham's Law, the problem is that we we are forced to "accept" bad posts since we cannot easily filter out bad posters.

An "ignore-this-poster" option would be a step towards efficiency.

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