Originally posted by ZahlanziI don't think the word 'explanation' means what you think it means.
that wasn't sarcasm, that was a very appropriate explanation for america's gun fetish.
I can help you out with 'appropriate' though. It's the opposite of inappropriate, as in:
It is inappropriate to assign a trait (in this case a'gun fetish' ) to an entire nation state, the US is comprised of many millions of individuals, each with their own point of view.
Originally posted by whodeyI wouldn't be a gun. If I felt I had to own one however, I'd own a 1911 model .45 auto. Compact, moderate recoil, and plenty of stopping power. Hit something with a Colt .45, and it won't be getting back up and walking around. I used to shoot in competition, but have not owned a gun in 30+ years. The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏
Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns!! Yet another thread about guns.
So if you were a gun, what kind would you be?
08 Oct 15
Originally posted by bill718The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏
I wouldn't be a gun. If I felt I had to own one however, I'd own a 1911 model .45 auto. Compact, moderate recoil, and plenty of stopping power. Hit something with a Colt .45, and it won't be getting back up and walking around. I used to shoot in competition, but have not owned a gun in 30+ years. The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏
The Glock 17 (full sized 9mm) isn't remotely like a 1911 .45, Colt or other clone. The Glock is a DAO, holds 17 rounds in the magazine, and is striker fired, no external hammer.
The 1911 .45 is a single action semi auto, with an external hammer, holds 7 rounds in the magazine.
The two guns are not even similar, never mind the same. By the way, I recently read an article by a ballistics expert who asserted that the modern 9mm cartridge is very close in stopping power to the old .45, with less recoil, more range, and as cited more magazine capacity.
I must honestly admit that I bought the .45 hype for years, and carried a high capacity .45 made by ParOrdinance. These days, I'd buy the Glock. The big difference is in the trigger. Glocks are adjustable, but from the factory are pretty heavy, whereas a lot of custom .45s have virtual hair triggers. Much more likely to have an unintentional discharge, which is why so many cops carry Glocks, to limit liability.