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Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns!! Yet another thread about guns.

So if you were a gun, what kind would you be?


I don't know, but you would be a rubber band.

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
I don't know, but you would be a rubber band.
Rubber bands will be banned later. After all, you can put an eye out with those darned things.

But right now we are only talking about guns.

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Originally posted by whodey
Rubber bands will be banned later. After all, you can put an eye out with those darned things.

But right now we are only talking about guns.


Originally posted by whodey
Rubber bands will be banned later. After all, you can put an eye out with those darned things.

But right now we are only talking about guns.
you so clever. your sarcasm: top notch

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
you so clever. your sarcasm: top notch
You're being sar car stick are ewe?

Here's some 'you so clever' lack-wit sarcasm:


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Originally posted by Wajoma
You're being sar car stick are ewe?

Here's some 'you so clever' lack-wit sarcasm:

that wasn't sarcasm, that was a very appropriate explanation for america's gun fetish.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
that wasn't sarcasm, that was a very appropriate explanation for america's gun fetish.
I don't think the word 'explanation' means what you think it means.

I can help you out with 'appropriate' though. It's the opposite of inappropriate, as in:

It is inappropriate to assign a trait (in this case a'gun fetish' ) to an entire nation state, the US is comprised of many millions of individuals, each with their own point of view.

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Originally posted by whodey
Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns!! Yet another thread about guns.

So if you were a gun, what kind would you be?
I wouldn't be a gun. If I felt I had to own one however, I'd own a 1911 model .45 auto. Compact, moderate recoil, and plenty of stopping power. Hit something with a Colt .45, and it won't be getting back up and walking around. I used to shoot in competition, but have not owned a gun in 30+ years. The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏



Originally posted by bill718
I wouldn't be a gun. If I felt I had to own one however, I'd own a 1911 model .45 auto. Compact, moderate recoil, and plenty of stopping power. Hit something with a Colt .45, and it won't be getting back up and walking around. I used to shoot in competition, but have not owned a gun in 30+ years. The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏

The Glock 9mm is a sissy version of the .45 ! 😏

The Glock 17 (full sized 9mm) isn't remotely like a 1911 .45, Colt or other clone. The Glock is a DAO, holds 17 rounds in the magazine, and is striker fired, no external hammer.
The 1911 .45 is a single action semi auto, with an external hammer, holds 7 rounds in the magazine.

The two guns are not even similar, never mind the same. By the way, I recently read an article by a ballistics expert who asserted that the modern 9mm cartridge is very close in stopping power to the old .45, with less recoil, more range, and as cited more magazine capacity.

I must honestly admit that I bought the .45 hype for years, and carried a high capacity .45 made by ParOrdinance. These days, I'd buy the Glock. The big difference is in the trigger. Glocks are adjustable, but from the factory are pretty heavy, whereas a lot of custom .45s have virtual hair triggers. Much more likely to have an unintentional discharge, which is why so many cops carry Glocks, to limit liability.

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