15 Apr 19
@whodey saidTax the rich!
This is the one and only holiday atheistic Left wingers celebrate which is tax day.
How will everyone celebrate?
I am also aware that many celebrate Halloween for obvious reasons. You know, unborn child sacrifices to satan and all.
The 2018 Trump Tax Transfer should be abolished.
@mott-the-hoople saidEveryone who works , and not everyone does, got a tax cut.
only about 65% of the people got a tax cut...yeah lets raise those taxes...
15 Apr 19
@livineasy4 saidNope the working classes got a tax increase.
Everyone who works , and not everyone does, got a tax cut.
15 Apr 19
@athousandyoung saiddo you really think you can tell lies and they become truth?
Nope the working classes got a tax increase.
15 Apr 19
@whodey saidI would like to say, that we conservative/republicans are proven correct in stating the liberal news media has been making fake news regarding Trump and the effect of the tax reduction policies. Witness, the New York Times (extremely anti Trump) headlines today said "FACE IT YOU PROBABLY GOT A TAX BREAK". Their way of saying this implies that the reader should be disappointed?!?!??
This is the one and only holiday atheistic Left wingers celebrate which is tax day.
How will everyone celebrate?
I am also aware that many celebrate Halloween for obvious reasons. You know, unborn child sacrifices to satan and all.
What in the world?
And regarding eliminating the death tax, now you can leave your farm or small business to your children. Is there one person in this thread that thinks that this is not a good idea?
@averagejoe1 saidYou use a factual statement as proof of "fake news"? Lmao.
I would like to say, that we conservative/republicans are proven correct in stating the liberal news media has been making fake news regarding Trump and the effect of the tax reduction policies. Witness, the New York Times (extremely anti Trump) headlines today said "FACE IT YOU PROBABLY GOT A TAX BREAK".
@vivify saidit appears you cannot comprehend what you read. Trump has decreased taxes for the majority of Americans, yet you complain. I can only assume you are one of the freeloaders that didnt benefit from these tax breaks.
You use a factual statement as proof of "fake news"? Lmao.