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Have we forgotten Osama?

Have we forgotten Osama?


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It's been almost 4 years since 9/11 occured here in the states. Why exactly haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden?

A large part of the US Military and I assume many security organizations from the US and other countries have been looking for this guy for almost 4 years.

We have been battling terrorist organizations for that entire time and yet still one man has eluded us. The man that everyone admits is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

So why is he still out there?

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Originally posted by wib
It's been almost 4 years since 9/11 occured here in the states. Why exactly haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden?

A large part of the US Military and I assume many security organizations from the US and other countries have been looking for this guy for almost 4 years.

We have been battling terrorist organizations for that entire time and yet still one ...[text shortened]... man that everyone admits is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

So why is he still out there?

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I caught him a couple of years ago - he's holed up in my cellar. I'm waiting for the optimum time to sell him ...in the run up to the next US Presidential elecion I think.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
My guess is Bush has looked the other way when it comes to Osama. For reasons which would most likely interfere with his private affairs.

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Originally posted by Siskin
I caught him a couple of years ago - he's holed up in my cellar. I'm waiting for the optimum time to sell him ...in the run up to the next US Presidential elecion I think.
Possibly, but I doubt it.

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What's really annoying about the whole mess is that no one in Congress is asking these questions. They truly seem to have forgotten. Are Democrats afraid to ask because they'll be painted as unpatriotic? Are Republicans are afraid to ask because they don't want to ruffle the feathers of the Bush Administration? And the media seems non-existent on this matter.

But what really bothers me is that the American people have forgotten.

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Originally posted by wib
What's really annoying about the whole mess is that no one in Congress is asking these questions. They truly seem to have forgotten. Are Democrats afraid to ask because they'll be painted as unpatriotic? Are Republicans are afraid to ask because they don't want to ruffle the feathers of the Bush Administration? And the media seems non-existent on this matter.

But what really bothers me is that the American people have forgotten.
Speak for yourself, I will never forget. While I am against the Iraq war for different reasons, I believe we should hunt the ends of the Earth for Bin Laden. An attack was made on the homeland, this I will not forget, or forgive.

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Originally posted by wib
It's been almost 4 years since 9/11 occured here in the states. Why exactly haven't we caught Osama Bin Laden?

A large part of the US Military and I assume many security organizations from the US and other countries have been looking for this guy for almost 4 years.

We have been battling terrorist organizations for that entire time and yet still one ...[text shortened]... man that everyone admits is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

So why is he still out there?
You dont know why we havnt caught him? you got to be kidding, I thought everyone knew, Its because the US cant find him, hes hiding in caves in the mountians,

I live in the rocky mountians, and I know whats its like, I know of many hiding spots that no one would ever find me, I betcha I could hide from the whole United States Military if they was after me. And if Im not mistaken theres allot more moutians over there then here

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Originally posted by lioyank
My guess is Bush has looked the other way when it comes to Osama. For reasons which would most likely interfere with his private affairs.
Do you really believe that?

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Originally posted by Nyxie
Speak for yourself, I will never forget. While I am against the Iraq war for different reasons, I believe we should hunt the ends of the Earth for Bin Laden. An attack was made on the homeland, this I will not forget, or forgive.
Nyxie I have no doubt that with nothing more than a rifle and a canteen you could hunt down Osama and put a bullet through his ugly,elongated skull.

But where's everyone else? Why aren't all of the flag wavers I see every day demanding answers on the Osama question? Where's the media, the politicians, the grassroots organizations from both sides of the poilitical isles? People, everyone, stopped asking the President about Osama years ago. Have you written to your congressman or senator asking these questions? Has anyone else?

Judging by the attention Osama gets I have to draw the conclusion that most Americans simply don't care anymore.

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Originally posted by flyUnity
You dont know why we havnt caught him? you got to be kidding, I thought everyone knew, Its because the US cant find him, hes hiding in caves in the mountians,

I live in the rocky mountians, and I know whats its like, I know of many hiding spots that no one would ever find me, I betcha I could hide from the whole United States Military if they was after me. And if Im not mistaken theres allot more moutians over there then here
So that's your answer? It's "too tough". We're the United States of America man. We put a guy on the moon 40 years ago and we can't find one guy hiding in some caves because it's "too tough".

And no one seems to care. Don't you want some answers from your representatives about the Osama question?

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Originally posted by flyUnity
[b]Its because the US cant find him, hes hiding in caves in the mountians
Do you really believe THAT?

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Originally posted by wib
Nyxie I have no doubt that with nothing more than a rifle and a canteen you could hunt down Osama and put a bullet through his ugly,elongated skull.

But where's everyone else? Why aren't all of the flag wavers I see every day demanding answers on the Osama question? Where's the media, the politicians, the grassroots organizations from both sides of the ...[text shortened]... on Osama gets I have to draw the conclusion that most Americans simply don't care anymore.

I would'nt go that far, but I believe in a strong defensive position. I don't believe in invading or attacking other countries unless we are attacked first. But if we are attacked I say we fight back, and we fight back fast and strong.

Osama attacked us, and we have just let it go too easily. He is a figurehead for extremists. Bringing him to answer for this would be the most effective position I can think of.

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Originally posted by wib
So that's your answer? It's "too tough". We're the United States of America man. We put a guy on the moon 40 years ago and we can't find one guy hiding in some caves because it's "too tough".

And no one seems to care. Don't you want some answers from your representatives about the Osama question?
United States of America isnt God, even thought we went to the moon we cant do all things, Finding a guy in a vast area of mountians, in another country, Is allot harder then you think it is, besides all osama has to do is change his look, and go live in the city, there are many things that he can do to avoid getting caught.

I suppose you think we should be able to type in a guys name in a computer, and it would pinpoint his location on a map, lol. Then press the nuke button, and it will automacticly send a missle his way lol

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Originally posted by Nyxie
I would'nt go that far, but I believe in a strong defensive position. I don't believe in invading or attacking other countries unless we are attacked first. But if we are attacked I say we fight back, and we fight back fast and strong.

Osama attacked us, and we have just let it go too easily. He is a figurehead for extremists. Bringing him to answer for this would be the most effective position I can think of.
So what if you hear of a country that admits its building a nuclear bomb to nuke Newyork City, and you watch them build it. You think we should let it hit us before we take action?

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