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here is what they were looking for at Mar A Lago

here is what they were looking for at Mar A Lago



January 20, 2021
The Chief of Staff
That SO
Privacy Act Review of Certain Declassified
Materials Related to the FBI's Crossfire
Hurricane Investigation
By Memorandum dated January 19, 2021, the President declassified certain materials related the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. The President's Memorandum specifically stated: "My decision to declassify materials within the binder is subject to the limits identified above and does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and does not require the disclosure of certain personally identifiable information or any other materials that must be protected from disclosure under applicable law." (emphasis added). Based on directions provided to the Department of Justice and our understanding that a review for protecting privacy interests had been conducted by the Department of Justice and that additional redactions to protect privacy interests had been applied to the materials, the President also stated: "[Alt my direction, the Attorney General has conducted an appropriate review to ensure that materials provided in the binder may be disclosed by the White House in accordance with applicable law."
We understand that the Office of Legal Counsel has advised that the Privacy Act does not apply to the White House and thus would not apply to any disclosure of documents by the White House.
Nevertheless, we do not intend to disclose materials that would violate the standards of the Privacy Act and, in particular, materials the disclosure of which would constitute "an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy."
Accordingly, I am
returning the bulk of the binder of declassified documents to the Department of Justice (including all that appear to have a potential to raise privacy concerns) with the instruction that the Department must expeditiously conduct a Privacy Act review under the standards that the Department of Justice would normally apply, redact material appropriately, and release the remaining material with redactions applied.”


Funny how that process took nearly a YEAR Moot.
Funny how a highly classified folder last seen in the arms of Trumps chief of staff Meadows has conveniently disappeared and there was eye witness testimony Meadows had those docs in his hands.
But of course none of that matters to a Trumpite cultist like yourself.
Even if Trump is put in prison which he richly deserves, you would still vote for him, convincing yourself the entire rest of the justice system is now corrupt and your god king literally did NOTHING wrong EVER.
Fukking hypocrite of the lowest order. I would say you suck but that would denigrate real suckers out there.

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