Originally posted by howardgeeThey're all idiots! ALL OF THEM!! From the "Top-dog" to the lowest janitor at the White House and Capitol Hill. Self-serving SOBs. Don't give a crap about America; that's why we're rotting at the core! Same with Europe...perhaps with Australia as well?
"But many people on Capitol Hill, including many high-level Republican staffers and members, have known for over 11 years about what was going on and chose to do nothing,""
They could have had a career in the Vatican!
Originally posted by der schwarze Ritterrec
The Mark Foley scandal clearly demonstrates the strategic folly of letting a lecherous homosexual pedophile stand among your ranks. The Republicans need to quit courting evil, otherwise, how will the electorate tell the difference between them and the Democrats?
Originally posted by chancremechanicAlthough I disagree with their policy of prohibiting private ownership of firearms, I think the Australians, more so than the Americans and Europeans, have gotten it right in dealing with their minority populations: assimilate or leave. Hopefully, the other Anglophone and Western countries will realize that it's OK to honor your own culture and values since they are what made you great in the first place, as well as a destination for the ambitious among the world's downtrodden.
...perhaps with Australia as well?
Originally posted by der schwarze Ritteryes, because no hetero senior polititians have ever had 'relations' with young women. 🙄 And if you are suggesting that homosexuals are more 'preditory' than heterosexuals I'd wonder what the basis for that idea was.
The Mark Foley scandal clearly demonstrates the strategic folly of letting a lecherous homosexual pedophile stand among your ranks. The Republicans need to quit courting evil, otherwise, how will the electorate tell the difference between them and the Democrats?
He was, by the sounds of it, out of line, but if you find an old man's homosexual advances towards teenages worse than heterosexual advances then that's your bias.
Of course, I could be totally misreading your meaning of 'courting evil' as being directed towards homosexuals where you were in fact refering to pedophiles...
Originally posted by belgianfreakYou're right, I'm not suggesting that homosexuals are more preditory, although that would make for an interesting thread.
yes, because no hetero senior polititians have ever had 'relations' with young women. 🙄 And if you are suggesting that homosexuals are more 'preditory' than heterosexuals I'd wonder what the basis for that idea was.
He was, by the sounds of it, out of line, but if you find an old man's homosexual advances towards teenages worse than heterosexual ad ...[text shortened]... as being directed towards homosexuals where you were in fact refering to pedophiles...
Originally posted by der schwarze RitterI preferred you when you were quoting maliciously deceitful web sites claiming global warming is a myth.
The Mark Foley scandal clearly demonstrates the strategic folly of letting a lecherous homosexual pedophile stand among your ranks. The Republicans need to quit courting evil, otherwise, how will the electorate tell the difference between them and the Democrats?