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Hooraaay  for the ACA.

Hooraaay for the ACA.



Will the Tea Party get their way?
Is this the end for the ACA?
What cunning plan have the democrats now?
Do you care anyhow?

Christ!!! The country's closing down!!!
Obama wears a mighty big frown.
Call out the National Guard!!!
Some people just have no regard.

At midnight the finance will run out.
No public services tomorrow, no doubt.
Call the police chief, get me the mayor.
These republican guys don't play fair.

Return to your homes and stay inside.
There's a curfew in effect and woe betide
anyone in Obama's way.........
he's gonna push through the ACA.

Healthcare for all not just a few.
Yes put away your money it's all true.
Take some comfort and have some solace.
All paid for by your tax dollars.

Will it really happen or will he delay?
No Obamacare for a year and a day?
What will the Tea Party do this time next year?
Will they shut the place down again and create more fear?

Now I'm not a johnny reb or a yankee either.
But there's something y'all oughta consider.
Universal health care is a good idea.
Vote for the ACA and celebrate with a beer.

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Good lord, man, how do you find the time to write these things?

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Originally posted by Soothfast
Good lord, man, how do you find the time to write these things?
He's between girlfriends.


Originally posted by JS357
He's between girlfriends.
Yeah, a blonde and a brunette.
I'm the meat in the sandwich. 😀

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
Yeah, a blonde and a brunette.
I'm the meat in the sandwich. 😀
You can sing most of it to the tune of the Ballad of the Green Berets, but it breaks down in the last stanza.

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Are you rushing out to sign up for Obamacare ?

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Originally posted by KilgoreTrout15
Are you rushing out to sign up for Obamacare ?
The Republicans stated they wanted to shut down the ACA before people signed up and grew to like it! Wow! It's been a long time since U.S. taxpayer dollars have been assigned to the needs of the 99% instead of handouts to the richest through a vast array of tax breaks and outright handouts to the very rich who have gotten ever so richer since 2008 despite our sluggish economy.

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Originally posted by Phranny
The Republicans stated they wanted to shut down the ACA before people signed up and grew to like it! Wow! It's been a long time since U.S. taxpayer dollars have been assigned to the needs of the 99% instead of handouts to the richest through a vast array of tax breaks and outright handouts to the very rich who have gotten ever so richer since 2008 despite our sluggish economy.
Doesn't really answer my question.
How many people here are going to sign up as soon as they can and start paying premiums versus sitting around until tax time and paying the fine?

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
You can sing most of it to the tune of the Ballad of the Green Berets, but it breaks down in the last stanza.
I've heard of the green berets but I don't
know any military songs.

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
You can sing most of it to the tune of the Ballad of the Green Berets, but it breaks down in the last stanza.
Doesn't even begin to fit Ballad Of The Green Berets you must be high.

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Originally posted by KilgoreTrout15
Doesn't even begin to fit Ballad Of The Green Berets you must be high.
Interestingly, it actually fits to pretty much any Judy Garland song out there.

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Originally posted by whodey
Interestingly, it actually fits to pretty much any Judy Garland song out there.
It wasn't meant to be a song, lol.

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
It wasn't meant to be a song, lol.
That's how a lot of poets get published.

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