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How can we stop suicide bombers?

How can we stop suicide bombers?


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How can we, in both the national and international sense stop terrorism, in particular the most popular weapon of suicide bombs, which have recently been described as "the most user friendly and prescise SMART bomb on the planet"? The recent attacks in London have highlighted the need for a serious restructuring of security systems on transport networks and in other areas that are in constant public use.

Less than a week after the London bombings there is already talk of new Government legislation being bought in, in an attempt to prevent the possibility of future devastating attacks. Yet at the same time as this the Mayor of London, "Red" Ken Livingstone, is saying that it would be impossible to completly protect London from future attacks, a statement with which i completly agree with. How can we completly protect ourselves from men, and women, who are willing to blow themselves up in public to prove their point and to dislpay their un-dying support of the terrorists plight against the West?

Although we may not be able to totally protect ourselves from suicide bombers, we must develop systems and measures which we can use to shield the community.

For the purposes of this thread the measures I am going to suggest will be in relation to London but could, in theory, apply to any major city/country.

The first and most important step (IMHO) is to introduce compulsory Identity Cards to all the population aged above 12. These cards would have to be carried at all times by all people, no exceptions. By introducing these cards we would be making sure that people could be identified at all times by police and other officials e.g. transport workers. Admittedly these cards, like all other forms of identification would be succeptible to fraud, but the hope would be that as much technology could be pumped into the production of them to make it as difficult as possible.

As I write this I can already hear the cynics amonst you blasting away at your keyboards about how much the tax payer will have to pay to subsidise these cards, but before you do think about the advantages that ID cards could have, especially in light of Thursday's events. I will come back to you soon but first read what is written ahead.

The way I invision ID cards is that they will revolutionise the way we travel and move. The cards would be used as the current oyster travel cards are used; they would have money placed on them which would pay for the users travel after being swiped over a machine. The user would recieve a receipt showing that they have passed through the control point and are elegible to be on that train/bus. By having this new facility officials would be able to guage who was on trains, where they were from, and who they are. Using these cards to travel around the country would mean that officials could see when something was out of the ordinary. For example, checks on commuters as they pass through stations would mean that if a security worker found a suspicious traveller then they could be spoken to and questioned/searched.

Ideas on ID cards need to be publicised and developed, but however they turn out they will definatly be an improvement on the security that we have in place today.

Recently it has been suggested that airport style security checkers could be placed at tube stations to prevent bombs, guns and other offensive materials being taken onto transport systems. However this is totally unfeesable. With 3 million people a day moving through London's travel networks it would cause huge delays and congestion within the tube and bus services. Even if they were only introduced at busy and important stations e.g. Victoria, Waterloo, Euston etc.... this would still not work as suicide bombers could just get on the train at a different stop.

A few good ideas that I have come across have included the reintroduction of guards on the platforms and also on the actual trains, which would provide extra security to the public and would also be an extra pair of eyes looking out for suspicious people/bags. Sniffer dogs being put on random mainline trains and buses to sniff out explosives, would provide a detterant to anyone wishing to blow up a transport link. Another good idea is the increased and constant vigilance of the public. I say this not because the British public are not good at reporting suspicious packages etc...but because they only do it in highened times of security. After 9/11 and Madrid attacks the police were innundated with calls alerting them to suspicious people and unattended bags, but as the media coverage began to decrease and the public began to feel safe again they stopped being as vigilant. People need to be constantly aware of possible dangers and should report them no matter how small or trivial. Without these alerts from the public there is no way that we can begin to eliminate suicide bombing in any country or city.

What other ideas are there that could be implemented in order to provide safer cities and a safer world? Feel free to suggest them so that they can be discussed.


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Originally posted by Freddie2004
How can we, in both the national and international sense stop terrorism, in particular the most popular weapon of suicide bombs, which have recently been described as "the most user friendly and prescise SMART bomb on the planet"? The recent attacks in London have highlighted the need for a serious restructuring of security systems on transport network ...[text shortened]... afer cities and a safer world? Feel free to suggest them so that they can be discussed.

My compliments, Freddie, on a sound, thoughtful post. To all that I would add the training and undercover deployment of small, independent hunter-killer teams to infiltrate terrorist cells and eliminate them and their sources of supply.

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How about stop meddling in other countries' internal affairs so that they have no reason to desire to bomb us? Just a thought.

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Originally posted by Delmer
My compliments, Freddie, on a sound, thoughtful post. To all that I would add the training and undercover deployment of small, independent hunter-killer teams to infiltrate terrorist cells and eliminate them and their sources of supply.
I am embarressed to admit that I'm not sure if you are serious or are in fact posing as an undercover Contumelious Clan member, insistant on creating wit of the lowest form; sarcasm everywhere you go. Would you care to divulge this information?

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Originally posted by Freddie2004
I am embarressed to admit that I'm not sure if you are serious or are in fact posing as an undercover Contumelious Clan member, insistant on creating wit of the lowest form; sarcasm everywhere you go. Would you care to divulge this information?
I'm being absolutely serious, Freddie. No sarcasm.

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How would id cards help at all. The London bombers made no attempt to conceal their identity, in fact they all carried personal documentation and credit cards to enable easy identification of their bodies.

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This discussion is also taking place in the General Forum in the thread of the same name. Believe it or not, there have been some insightful posts there as well.

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Originally posted by Freddie2004
I am embarressed to admit that I'm not sure if you are serious or are in fact posing as an undercover Contumelious Clan member, insistant on creating wit of the lowest form; sarcasm everywhere you go. Would you care to divulge this information?
Contumelious Clanners have no need to use undercover agents. We thrash at your face directly.

Please do not confuse the lowness of some of the targets of sarcasm for the elevation of the art itself.

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Originally posted by Delmer
My compliments, Freddie, on a sound, thoughtful post. To all that I would add the training and undercover deployment of small, independent hunter-killer teams to infiltrate terrorist cells and eliminate them and their sources of supply.
Of course that makes the terrorists win, forcing the response that
makes the citizenry wary of its every move. That alone gives
terrorists satisfaction. It could lead to a situation where you need
the right papers to go visit aunt lulu in the next state over.
Border crossings at every state, who wants that? The terrorists of
course. They would love nothing better than people live in a constant
state of fear, something I personally refuse to do.

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Originally posted by Siskin
How would id cards help at all. The London bombers made no attempt to conceal their identity, in fact they all carried personal documentation and credit cards to enable easy identification of their bodies.

.... of course, they want to be recognised as "martyrs" of the movement they belong to.

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A good way to stop Islamist terrorists is to adopt the actions of the British in Afghanistan in the 19th century: make it very clear to all religious nut cases that if their bodies are recovered after a bombing/killing outrage they will be buried inside the carcass of a pig.

It reduced 'terrorist' activities (as far as they can be called that) to almost zero...

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Originally posted by sonhouse
Of course that makes the terrorists win, forcing the response that
makes the citizenry wary of its every move. That alone gives
terrorists satisfaction. It could lead to a situation where you need
the right papers to go visit aunt lul ...[text shortened]... in a constant
state of fear, something I personally refuse to do.
Of course, you're right, SH. I was just trying to contrast it with my suggestion of undercover hunter-killer teams.

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Originally posted by ivangrice
A good way to stop Islamist terrorists is to adopt the actions of the British in Afghanistan in the 19th century: make it very clear to all religious nut cases that if their bodies are recovered after a bombing/killing outrage they will be buried inside the carcass of a pig.

It reduced 'terrorist' activities (as far as they can be called that) to almost zero...
Today we'd have to check with PETA first. Sounds demeaning to pigs to me.

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Originally posted by sasquatch672
How could you possibly have edited this post fifteen times?
dunno....a lot of mistakes! 🙄

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