@Mott-The-Hoople saidYou mean pics like this one?
nope but plenty of pics with harris, obama and swift that I seen so far.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidU MAGAs are hillllllll-arious pretending that Trump's not an elite.
…the elites kill diddy?
He is the poster child for silver spoon narcissist, poops on a golden toilet, knows every celebrity.
And despite all these connections with all these big names, he spent a really long period of time hanging with his good friend Jeffrey Epstein.
@wildgrass saidpoint being?
U MAGAs are hillllllll-arious pretending that Trump's not an elite.
He is the poster child for silver spoon narcissist, poops on a golden toilet, knows every celebrity.
And despite all these connections with all these big names, he spent a really long period of time hanging with his good friend Jeffrey Epstein.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidDoctored photos.
nope but plenty of pics with harris, obama and swift that I seen so far.
Damn, you are gullible.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidTotally willing to give him a pass, eh?
point being?
Of course you are.
I bet you're best buddies with Mark Robinson too, huh?
Funny how you fools were all "law and order" until they started prosecuting YOUR buds.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidOne photo going around that supposedly shows Harris with Combs is, in reality, a photo of her with Montel Williams, who she was dating at the time.
damn you are lying
I know, all black people look the same, huh?