Why can't Hugo Chavez get a handle on murder in Venezuela? Also, could Venezuela's soaring murder rate be due in part to Chavez's class warfare message that rich people are the enemy?
On the comments section, Jeremiah wrote:
The ideals of communism are to spread poverty, misery, distrust, lack of any aesthetic development in the land, the reward of mediocrity and sycophancy, the squashing of any private initiative, the spread of envy as a governing tactic, pandering to resentful inferiority complexes everywhere consolidation of power in the hands of the mentally unstable, the destruction of dissent no matter how intelligent , the personality cult of the totalitarian tyrant in absolute power, and the enthronement of servile obedience and repetition of hateful party slogans as the citizen's highest virtue. Under the watchful eye of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, his ideological slave, has excelled at all these qualities. Crime plays into his hands as it forces decent peace-loving citizens that might give him a problem out of the country. Like Milton's character, he would rather rule in Hell than have to listen in Heaven.
I couldn't have said it any better myself!
Further reading: