Since it is the apocolyptic year of 2012, I was just wondering how everyone thought things would end. Of course, that does not mean this year necessarily, rather, it is just a general feeling of how things will end. After all, things will end eventually.
So here are some options I can think of. Add more if you like.
1. Super volcano
2. Meteor/comet
3. WMD's
4. Global warming/pollution
5. Deviation of earth on its axis causing shifts in weather patterns.
6. Foor/water/resource shortages
7. Obama re-election.
Really the end is...well....endless. There are sooo many great ways for it all to end I can hardly decide which to choose. Of course, feel free to add some together if you like.
Originally posted by whodeyIn your case the time is infinite. Your turtle only gives up half the distance each step. When reason overtakes you you'll already be in the voting booth relishing four more years of Obama but the clown college zombies will be hanging off your back trying to start a lawnmower-engine-powered heart-lung machine to electroshock the last ounce of humanity from your Romney-Borg-assimilated cells bursting with false sincerity. Thank Lord Vader for Ron Paul's breath-of-life liplock! You will be saved!
So how many more years of evolution will it take to reach this stage do ya think?
Plausible ways...
Large Meteor
Man made cause
Radiation blast from a distant neutron star
Unforeseen activity from our sun (an epic solar flare or similar)
Unforeseen epic natural disaster
A deity
If nothing else kills us the inevitable...
Mass expansion of our sun while it's in it's death throws.
Originally posted by whodeyCaught in the act and shot by a jealous husband, at age 95.
Since it is the apocolyptic year of 2012, I was just wondering how everyone thought things would end. Of course, that does not mean this year necessarily, rather, it is just a general feeling of how things will end. After all, things will end eventually.
So here are some options I can think of. Add more if you like.
1. Super volcano
2. Meteor/come ...[text shortened]... nd I can hardly decide which to choose. Of course, feel free to add some together if you like.
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperI already brought up the meteor scenerio, so no points there. However, I like the whole radiation from a distant star scenerio. What would be an unforseen natural disaster? Hmmm.
Plausible ways...
Large Meteor
Man made cause
Radiation blast from a distant neutron star
Unforeseen activity from our sun (an epic solar flare or similar)
Unforeseen epic natural disaster
A deity
If nothing else kills us the inevitable...
Mass expansion of our sun while it's in it's death throws.
As far as a deity, do you mean that God comes and ends life on earth?
Originally posted by whodeyNot trying to win points, just point out what is plausible. A catastrophic meteor is actually very possible, since it's happened before.
I already brought up the meteor scenerio, so no points there. However, I like the whole radiation from a distant star scenerio. What would be an unforseen natural disaster? Hmmm.
As far as a deity, do you mean that God comes and ends life on earth?
I said unforeseen natural disaster, because right now there are no scientists or geologists predicting natural disasters that can cause end of world type scenarios. Super volcanoes have been looked at as possible catastrophic events, but that is not a widespread prediction by any measure.
I mentioned a deity because many religions, including Christianity, predict end of world scenarios involving "God." since the existence of God or any sort of divine creator can never be disapproven, it falls in the realm of the plausible.
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperSo does Godzilla.
I mentioned a deity because many religions, including Christianity, predict end of world scenarios involving "God." since the existence of God or any sort of divine creator can never be disapproven, it falls in the realm of the plausible.
Obviously the Mayan concept of "the end" was about the end of the world as THEY knew it. The world they were in was being eliminated by the Spanish Catholics.
Now, Malachi did a lot of predicting in his time as well. One of his best known predictions is that the 111th pope (counted from Celestine II) will be the last pope before the end of the church (well... call apocalpyse whatever you want to call it).
The current pope is the 111th pope.
Looking at the pending court cases and the State of the Catholic church (fewer and fewer priests every year, etc.) and CERN... if any truth can be found in predictions (which they can't), then these predictions mean the end of the Catholic church and organised religion as we know it.
And the end, therefore, will not come as a comet or a vulcano, but as a philosophical and political argument.
Originally posted by shavixmirGiven the antagonism shown gayness by the church and given your way of thinking that the end may only signal a change in the dominant organized religio-spiritual paradigm, then it might indeed be apt to reflect that with the end of the world, the end is near.....
Obviously the Mayan concept of "the end" was about the end of the world as THEY knew it. The world they were in was being eliminated by the Spanish Catholics.
Now, Malachi did a lot of predicting in his time as well. One of his best known predictions is that the 111th pope (counted from Celestine II) will be the last pope before the end of the church ( ...[text shortened]... refore, will not come as a comet or a vulcano, but as a philosophical and political argument.
Originally posted by FabianFnas"Godzilla" would have to be some sort of deity in order to have not been observed for all these millennium, so your statement is rather redundant.
So does Godzilla.
The existence of Godzilla as portrayed in pop culture (at 300 foot tall Lizard) is disproved beyond a reasonable doubt simply by lack of observation. Furthermore, there is no logical means for it to end all live on earth if such a Godzilla did exist.