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Hunter Will Have to Submit to Closed Door Hearing.  Duh.

Hunter Will Have to Submit to Closed Door Hearing. Duh.



You see now that the Committee were adults to run Hunter off, when he broke in and tried to control their hearing with his cameramen in tow!! The Committee wants a closed door hearing, and did not bend to the wishes of this sleaze. Would you have? Of course you would not have.
So, they will prevail as Hunter has had to fold his hand, and agree to a closed door hearing. I thought it was worth a thread, can't wait.
On another matter, Jack Smith has NO authority to execute the authority of a US attorney, so he will be history. Simply, he was never appointed by a President, nor have an ensuing confirmation by a Senate, which is required. I thought I 'd mentioned that before, but don't know which thread.


Yep, let the circus continue. I hope he sneaks in a recorder or body cam so we can see the circus in all it's political garbage going on.
You do remember he showed up and sat down right in front of them and all he got was YOU AINT GOT BALLS. That is exactly what that bitch said, looked like he had balls to me, he showed up and scared the shyte out of them.


@sonhouse said
Yep, let the circus continue. I hope he sneaks in a recorder or body cam so we can see the circus in all it's political garbage going on.
You do remember he showed up and sat down right in front of them and all he got was YOU AINT GOT BALLS. That is exactly what that bitch said, looked like he had balls to me, he showed up and scared the shyte out of them.
The closed door means hunters clown theatrics are meaningless, that's why he's opposed to it, he wants to make fun and disrespect the hearing with is performing monkey circus clown tricks but no point if they're are only a few un-impressed and un-fooled spectators.

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AMAZING how much you know about our politics. It is the Jim Jordan's and MTG's who are the circus act, Jordan has been trying his damndest to impeach Biden but even their own lawyers told them there was nothing there to impeach but that doesn't matter to the circus, they are pandering to their base and that is the long and short of it.
The sad truth is Jordan was VERY involved in the planning of Jan 6 but is trying his best to hide that fact. I hope justice catches up to that traitor as well as Trumpf.

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