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I need a yacht

I need a yacht


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Dear Uncle Sam.

I work hard. I work harder than the guy working next to me. I have a proposal to create jobs.

Buy me a yacht. There will be tons of jobs created by the construction project alone. Boatsmen and plumbers and electricians. I need a big one, like Jeff Bezos got. I know his company only benefits from many billions of dollars in federal subsidies, and all I'm asking for is hundreds of millions.

Then when the yachts built there will be jobs created for cooking my food and bartending and weighing anchor and swabbing the decks and refining the oil needed for me to gallavant around the world.

Please, the taxpayers will understand. It will create jobs.


A "conservative?"

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It would work too. It would help create jobs. Maybe inflation too if it is like Oprah and everybody gets a yacht. You get a yacht and you get a yacht.

That would not be much different than the nearly $2 trillion U.S. coronavirus stimulus. 90% of that went to the wealthy so some of them may have used the money they got from it to buy yachts. Good thread. It shows how stupid the nearly $2 trillion U.S. coronavirus stimulus was. Now we have inflation for the wrong reasons.

That should only happen for reasons like sheltering the homeless or medicare for all during a fargin pandemic! The wealthy run my country. I live in a stupid plutocracy.

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@metal-brain said
It would work too. It would help create jobs. Maybe inflation too if it is like Oprah and everybody gets a yacht. You get a yacht and you get a yacht.

That would not be much different than the nearly $2 trillion U.S. coronavirus stimulus. 90% of that went to the wealthy so some of them may have used the money they got from it to buy yachts. Good thread. It shows how s ...[text shortened]... edicare for all during a fargin pandemic! The wealthy run my country. I live in a stupid plutocracy.
You mention covid relief, because it's your pet peeve.

However, there are many many other examples.

I don't think this is a "well what about xxxx" issue. It's systemic. Many so called conservative folks think that it is ok to use tax dollars for building a stadium so that a billionaire can make even more profit.



@wildgrass said
You mention covid relief, because it's your pet peeve.

However, there are many many other examples.

I don't think this is a "well what about xxxx" issue. It's systemic. Many so called conservative folks think that it is ok to use tax dollars for building a stadium so that a billionaire can make even more profit.

Covid relief is not my pet peeve. Like I said, if it was for sheltering to homeless or Medicare for all I would not complain. It is that it was corporate welfare that I hate. That is the merger between corporations and the state.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini

By that definition both Trump and Biden are fascists. You think because the democrats are in power right now that cannot be the case. That does not mean anything. Biden is too far to the right. The rich are getting richer because Biden is corporatism.

Inflation makes the poor poorer. You need to remember that. Biden does not care about the poor.

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@wildgrass said
You mention covid relief, because it's your pet peeve.

However, there are many many other examples.

I don't think this is a "well what about xxxx" issue. It's systemic. Many so called conservative folks think that it is ok to use tax dollars for building a stadium so that a billionaire can make even more profit.

The stadium. Then who builds it. And if I build it I would expect to make a profit. Or, are you saying we don't need a stadium.
I am serious here, and I hope you don't respond with 'government'. My taxes are parked at the government. I never go to stadiums. Certainly tax money is only for 'The Common Good" (brrrrr) as marauder says. The stadium does not qualify.
So, what is your thought on all that?


All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.


@jj-adams said
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.
Do you think that Wildgrass will come back at me about profit?

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@averagejoe1 said
The stadium. Then who builds it. And if I build it I would expect to make a profit. Or, are you saying we don't need a stadium.
I am serious here, and I hope you don't respond with 'government'. My taxes are parked at the government. I never go to stadiums. Certainly tax money is only for 'The Common Good" (brrrrr) as marauder says. The stadium does not qualify.
So, what is your thought on all that?
The stadium owner does indeed make a profit, even though taxpayers build it. In past statements you were in favor of these back-room deals because of job creation. Republican governors generally support these arrangements. Because of job creation. As if the gov't creating jobs is a good idea.

This happens all over in every sector of the economy. Trump gives $32 billion of your hard earned tax dollars to for-profit farmers. Farmers make a big profit. Do they then return the money back to federal coffers?

Nope. $144 billion in profits. Half their soybeans shipped overseas.

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@wildgrass said
Dear Uncle Sam.

I work hard. I work harder than the guy working next to me. I have a proposal to create jobs.

Buy me a yacht. There will be tons of jobs created by the construction project alone. Boatsmen and plumbers and electricians. I need a big one, like Jeff Bezos got. I know his company only benefits from many billions of dollars in federal subsidies, and all I' ...[text shortened]... d.

Please, the taxpayers will understand. It will create jobs.


A "conservative?"
Ha, Ha............................very good


@wildgrass said
The stadium owner does indeed make a profit, even though taxpayers build it. In past statements you were in favor of these back-room deals because of job creation. Republican governors generally support these arrangements. Because of job creation. As if the gov't creating jobs is a good idea.

This happens all over in every sector of the economy. Trump gives $32 billion ...[text shortened]... ney back to federal coffers?

Nope. $144 billion in profits. Half their soybeans shipped overseas.
Such a discussion would require a doctorate in political negotiations, much more than political science. Maybe a congressman from Iowa (dairy cows) agreed to sign on to a soybean deal with another state in exchange for a vote to get more milking machines in Iowa to make baby formula.
That is what they mean when they say making laws is like making sausage. I get that libs have these faerie wishes and dreams that our world should be perfect. Well, law-making steps on toes, there is a lot of friction. Up until the comatose Biden, our world has done quite well, given its shortcomings. What if Sonhouse was involved in one of those back-room negotiations. with his one-track mind? He might say to get rid of the rich, no private money, can't let people get richer....but we sure want that stadium.
What are you libs fishing for when you write these queries? I bet you have been to a stadium, wildgrass, even if only for a dog show, or a concert or, frisbee finals.

In three sentences or less, tell us how you would get a stadium built in Toledo? (You can't say tax money, because some taxpayers llike me don't do stadiums)

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@averagejoe1 said
Such a discussion would require a doctorate in political negotiations, much more than political science. Maybe a congressman from Iowa (dairy cows) agreed to sign on to a soybean deal with another state in exchange for a vote to get more milking machines in Iowa to make baby formula.
That is what they mean when they say making laws is like making sausage. I get that ...[text shortened]... adium built in Toledo? (You can't say tax money, because some taxpayers llike me don't do stadiums)
Funny you think things are overly-complicated on this particular example of government spending. It seems pretty clear to me. If you think that's complicated, you would also hold your tongue regarding the much more complex scenario of student loan forgiveness and welfare payments. But, nope.

Its nonsense that an individual can become dependent on government assistance, but corporations and industries cannot.

Of course they can. And of course they say things like "give me money and I'll make baby formula..." or "I will create jobs with my yacht project". It's a tiny tiny fraction of what the billions in handouts to farmers are getting so they can live in their mansions with high thread count sheets.

It's one number, really. How much money does the government spend?

One thing I've always found fascinating about Republican voters. The vast majority view government spending unfavorably. So why are they still voting for Republicans, when Republican politicians grow government faster, accrue more debt/deficits, and economies grow more slowly under Republican leadership? It's about the biggest gap between expectations and reality I can imagine. They must not care about the results?

Never forget - Reagan (who I voted for) took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Bill Clinton moved it all the way to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved that number to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion.


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@metal-brain said
Covid relief is not my pet peeve. Like I said, if it was for sheltering to homeless or Medicare for all I would not complain. It is that it was corporate welfare that I hate. That is the merger between corporations and the state.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini

By that ...[text shortened]... .

Inflation makes the poor poorer. You need to remember that. Biden does not care about the poor.
Not sure we should let fascists define the word fascism.

Here's a more applicable quote for this conversation...

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist" - Eisenhower.

The pentagon admits it wastes hundreds of billions of dollars every single year, and the government can't even buy little old me a yacht? I swear it'll create jobs.


@wildgrass said
Not sure we should let fascists define the word fascism.

Here's a more applicable quote for this conversation...

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist" - Eisenhower. ...[text shortened]... ery single year, and the government can't even buy little old me a yacht? I swear it'll create jobs.
So will making weapons of war. That creates jobs, I swear.
I suppose you want money spent on things that are productive and are not designed to destroy wealth. If you are not for medicare for all what does it matter? I suppose next you will want infrastructure spending. You know, stuff we actually need and use.

70% of the money than went to Ukraine disappeared. Nobody in our government cares about waste. We keep sending money and weapons to the most corrupt country in the world. I have no idea where all those weapons are ending up, but congress obviously likes where they are going.


@metal-brain said
So will making weapons of war. That creates jobs, I swear.
I suppose you want money spent on things that are productive and are not designed to destroy wealth. If you are not for medicare for all what does it matter? I suppose next you will want infrastructure spending. You know, stuff we actually need and use.

70% of the money than went to Ukraine disappeared. Nobod ...[text shortened]... ve no idea where all those weapons are ending up, but congress obviously likes where they are going.
Top 6 executives at Lockheed-Martin are pulling in close to $50 million per year. Their biggest client by far, in fact well over half of their business, is Uncle Sam.

Your tax dollars already paid for their yachts. Where's mine?

I guess the point of the thread is not to decide where government should spend productively. It's the absurd rationale that Joe and others' use to justify government spending as if a farmer NEEDS the money. They get money in corporate welfare from the government and they profit hundreds of billions that goes into their pockets not their products. Why not cut out the middle man? That would save some money.


@wildgrass said
Top 6 executives at Lockheed-Martin are pulling in close to $50 million per year. Their biggest client by far, in fact well over half of their business, is Uncle Sam.

Your tax dollars already paid for their yachts. Where's mine?

I guess the point of the thread is not to decide where government should spend productively. It's the absurd rationale that Joe and others' u ...[text shortened]... s into their pockets not their products. Why not cut out the middle man? That would save some money.
I want a tractor. I should get one instead of you getting a yacht. I can farm my land with it and feed people. Then someone can drop a bomb on it and destroy it so Lockheed-Martin can create jobs. Or better, not bomb and destroy it so I can feed people. Destroying wealth to create wealth elsewhere is over rated, isn't it?

I have an original idea. Let's not spend so much money on weapons that destroy wealth. I'm glad somebody else thought of it.

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