Originally posted by sh76I'm a few hours drive from there. That's as close as I dare to get.
4,233 Sq Ft; 5 bedrooms; 4 baths for under 200 grand!?
In Manhattan, you can get a kitchen cupboard for that kind of money.
Originally posted by sh76I just returned from Vegas awhile back. Housing is cheap alright. I'm not sure the 112 degree summers are for everyone though. Bring your own job too, not many of those in Vegas.
4,233 Sq Ft; 5 bedrooms; 4 baths for under 200 grand!?
In Manhattan, you can get a kitchen cupboard for that kind of money.
Originally posted by bill718I can live about anywhere I want, but been to Vegas, and you'e right about that heat,, no thanks.... nix on San Fran too.....in fct a big no on living anywhere in CA..
I just returned from Vegas awhile back. Housing is cheap alright. I'm not sure the 112 degree summers are for everyone though. Bring your own job too, not many of those in Vegas.