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If Republican's had there way...

If Republican's had there way...


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If Republicans had there way in America, wage earners would be working 14 hours a day with no toilet breaks, there would be no child labor laws, social security would be invested in the stock market, companies would be free to pollute the air, earth, and water as they wished, banks would be left to regulate themselves, the bill of rights, and privacy laws would be abolished, gun manufacturers would be free to sell there products to anyone, education would be whatever the fortune 500 companies said it should be, healthcare would be only for the rich, and oil companies would own 50% of America's lands...Democrats are not perfect, but I'll take them over the G O P anyday!😏

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Originally posted by bill718
...Democrats are not perfect, but I'll take them over the G O P anyday!😏
Well..the Democrats have all the power now. So warm up the oven, pour the batter into a pan, and whip up some frosting. I sure hope your hungry because your going to have a lot of cake to eat!

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Originally posted by bill718
If Republicans had there way in America, wage earners would be working 14 hours a day with no toilet breaks, there would be no child labor laws, social security would be invested in the stock market, companies would be free to pollute the air, earth, and water as they wished, banks would be left to regulate themselves, the bill of rights, and privacy laws wo ...[text shortened]... 0% of America's lands...Democrats are not perfect, but I'll take them over the G O P anyday!😏
hmmm, so the US under Bush, the other Bush, Reagan, and all the other republicans was as you described?


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Heh, the Dutch state pensions are invested partly in the stock market.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
hmmm, so the US under Bush, the other Bush, Reagan, and all the other republicans was as you described? no.
The OP started with "If Republicans had their way in America..."

Politics is the art of the possible.

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Originally posted by bill718
If Republicans had there way in America, wage earners would be working 14 hours a day with no toilet breaks, there would be no child labor laws, social security would be invested in the stock market, companies would be free to pollute the air, earth, and water as they wished, banks would be left to regulate themselves, the bill of rights, and privacy laws wo ...[text shortened]... 0% of America's lands...Democrats are not perfect, but I'll take them over the G O P anyday!😏
So we are talking about ALL Republicans are we? In fact, do any endorse 14 hour work days? Do any endorse doing away with child labor laws? I think not. Now if you are saying that their policies would compel people to work 14 hour days just to make ends meet and send their children to work to make ends meet, that is another thing altogether. In fact, one could argue that the more government over spends the more taxes the government will then be forced to tax the masses and the longer one will need to work to earn the same amount of money, if it is even possible. We saw the Republican double the national debt over 8 years so we will see if Obama and company can match or beat this feat. As of right now, he seems to be off to a good start.

As for social security, are you really suggesting that the majority of Americans will see social security when they retire? Even if they do will it make that great of an impact on their retirement? The way it is set up now the system WILL go belly up, it is just the simply facts. That is because it is nothing more than a ponzi scheme and all ponzi schemes are destined to fail. Even though it was pointed out to me that so long as the ponzi scheme is made known to the public and out in the open it may no longer be considered immoral as all ponzi schemes are considered to be immoral because they are not revealed as such, but this does not change the fact that it is still a ponzi scheme. Having said that, who in the Democratic party is suggesting reform? In fact, they seem quite content on raiding the incoming funds for social security to do with as they see fit. Perhaps they need some of that money to bail out the likes of GM and AIG?

As for banks regulating themselves, it seems to me that the government has and continues to bend over backwards to do the bidding of the bank industry. Where has this changed? In fact, whatever the banks need the tax payers will provide.

As for polluting the air, it seems to me that McCain offered a clean alternative which is nuclear power. However, for Democrats it is too "risky" even though they continue to claim that fossil fuels are destroying the planet and if nothing is done drastically near term we are all going to die. However, America continues to rely on fossil fuels under an Obama administration and will continue to rely on such fossil fuels such as coal which is perhaps the dirties existing source of energy on the face of the planet. In addition, we will continue to be reliant on foreign oil which is why the US went to Iraq.

As for education, it continues to be segregated. You have the minorities on average in poorer public school systems and you have the rich kids going to rich school systems who are on average going to be "white". The simple facts are, the poor kids cannot afford to live in rich school districts so they are left to the poorer school districts which are underfunded and akin to a prison setting with drugs, violence, and a high drop out rate. It seems to me that the Democrats are the staunch supporters of the education system as is as where many Republicans have offered other ideas such as government vouchers so that poor children can go to rich schools. As for what fortune 500 companies want to teach the children, I have no idea what you are getting at.

As for health care, you are right that those who cannot afford health care now will be better off with a nationalized health care. However, the tax paying citizens who do have health care will see a decline in their health care services. As a result, those who do not have access to health care now may have their lives extended or improved but those who have privatized health care now will have the opposite effect. So will more people be saved and helped with nationalized health care compared to the current system? One can only guess. It reminds me of a woman on the radio I heard the other day. Her son had a cancerous tumor that needed immediate attention. Ironically, in countries with socialized medicine the success rate is lower than in the US which has privatized care. This is because in socialized countries the wait is longer and the treatments are not as intense and costly. She felt lucky that she had the option of going to a country with privatized care because they treated her son and he lived.

As for the oil companies only owning the Republican party, wake up man!! We still remain in a position that all they need to do is yank our chain. No alternative fuels are being pushed by either party. Both parties are quite content to have the oil companies as their sugar daddy.

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Originally posted by bill718
companies would be free to pollute the air, earth, and water as they wished, banks would be left to regulate themselves, the bill of rights, and privacy laws would be abolished, gun manufacturers would be free to sell there products to anyone, education would be whatever the fortune 500 companies said it should be, healthcare would be only for the rich, and oil companies would own 50% of America's lands..
And this differs from actual reality in what particular ways?

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Originally posted by FMF
The OP started with "If Republicans had their way in America..."

Politics is the art of the possible.
republicans had their way in the past.
and it wasn't like he described it.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
republicans had their way in the past.
and it wasn't like he described it.
Politics is the art of the possible.

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Originally posted by FMF
Politics is the art of the possible.
so what?

the republicans had their way in the past, and it wasn't like he described it, I don't think they are suddenly going to turn radical now, or tomorrow, now beat it!

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Originally posted by generalissimo
so what?

the republicans had their way in the past, and it wasn't like he described it, I don't think they are suddenly going to turn radical now, or tomorrow
The Republicans are out of power now. Pay attention.

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Originally posted by FMF
The Republicans are out of power now. Pay attention.
I know that, what I meant was that if they had power, they wouldn't suddenly turn radical.

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Originally posted by generalissimo
I know that, what I meant was that if they had power, they wouldn't suddenly turn radical.
That's because politics is the art of the possible. Pay attention please.

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Originally posted by FMF
That's because politics is the art of the possible. Pay attention please.
so that means that I could expect Obama to turn the US into a socialist country, because politics is the art of the possible?

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Originally posted by generalissimo
so that means that I could expect Obama to turn the US into a socialist country, because politics is the art of the possible?
You can expect what you want. I really couldn't care less. You clearly don't understand what the expression "politics is the art of the possible" means.

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