If they draft you

If they draft you


Very Mysterious


23 Aug 04
12 Nov 07

If your government drafted you to fight in any of the number of wars in the Middle East, would you resist?

I don't know if I would or not to be honest. Probably not, but I'd protest while doing what they needed me to do. But who knows? Tough call.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
12 Nov 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
If your government drafted you to fight in any of the number of wars in the Middle East, would you resist?

I don't know if I would or not to be honest. Probably not, but I'd protest while doing what they needed me to do. But who knows? Tough call.
I guess it depends for what you'd be drafted for. I think that drafting civilians to fight a war in Middle East doesn't sound very realistic (nowadays).

Very Mysterious


23 Aug 04
12 Nov 07
2 edits

Originally posted by Palynka
I guess it depends for what you'd be drafted for. I think that drafting civilians to fight a war in Middle East doesn't sound very realistic (nowadays).
Imagine you woke up this morning to the news that Lisbon had been nuked by terrorists who claim to be Iranian agents (assuming you don't live in Lisbon). Iran of course denies it.

Still seem so far fetched?


21 Feb 04
12 Nov 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Imagine you woke up this morning to the news that Lisbon had been nuked by terrorists who claim to be Iranian agents (assuming you don't live in Lisbon). Iran of course denies it.

Still seem so far fetched?
Absolutely - stratospherically far-fetched.

Iran denying something does not make it a lie out of hand.

Who would be in charge of these imaginary nukes should Iran get them? Why would Iran wish to ensure their destruction by using nukes? Who would be reporting/hyping Iran's involvement in this attack on Lisbon? Would it be the same people who lied so baldly to precipitate an unneccessary war on Iraq - and whose lies changed every time the right-wing media started to belatedly point out the holes in their rationale? Would the sheeple obediently bleat behind those who have been crying wolf for so long ... again?

Regrettably, the last question's answer is depressingly obvious.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
12 Nov 07
1 edit

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Imagine you woke up this morning to the news that Lisbon had been nuked by terrorists who claim to be Iranian agents (assuming you don't live in Lisbon). Iran of course denies it.

Still seem so far fetched?
Well...yes... But I'll play along with it.

If country X attempted an invasion, I'd say the case is pretty much clear cut. Drafting is necessary and I maybe I'd volunteer. I think I should.

If terrorists agents from X planted a nuke in Lisbon, I don't think war would be a priority for such a small country as ours (assuming it is known that their government was involved). Our capacity to strike on our own would be almost zero. I'm guessing if military action was decided, it'd be with our allies and with professionals. So I really doubt there would be drafting. There would be a lot of civil work to be done, though.

If it's not known that they had the support of the leaders of X, the case for drafting is even less clear cut.

Edit: Bottomline, drafting in this day and age of precision warfare seems limited to war on home soil. That's a pretty strong reason not to oppose it.



25 Jul 07
13 Nov 07

I handled it by registering as a conscientious objector. The days of regular folk goin' off to war just because a president (ANY president) asid so are lonnnng gone.


07 Jul 06
13 Nov 07

Yes, I would serve my country as needed. I definitely wouldn't want to be along side of all the yellow bellied draft dodgers trying to find a loophole to get out of doing what is right.

In my opinion all draft dodgers should be exiled and never be allowed to return to this country. If you are not willing to pay a price for freedom, you should not benefit from the rewards!!!


Parts Unknown

19 Jan 07
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
I handled it by registering as a conscientious objector. The days of regular folk goin' off to war just because a president (ANY president) asid so are lonnnng gone.
They'll simply put you in a non combat unit, and if you refuse to go they will put you in jail for 2 years.




25 Jul 07
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by smw6869
They'll simply put you in a non combat unit, and if you refuse to go they will put you in jail for 2 years.

If I was just a CO, yes; but I out-figured 'em. CO's are designated Y1 (or they used to be when my mother worked at the draft board--when we had a draft). But, if you're a CO: Non-combatant, then you refuse to support war in any capacity on moral/religious grounds, making you 4F--unfit for duty. 😀
Of course, all those designations may have changed in the last, what--35 years? But rest assured, I shall not be in or near any war zone, anywhere. If CO doesn't work, there are plenty of other outs.


07 Jul 06
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by PinkFloyd
If I was just a CO, yes; but I out-figured 'em. CO's are designated Y1 (or they used to be when my mother worked at the draft board--when we had a draft). But, if you're a CO: Non-combatant, then you refuse to support war in any capacity on moral/religious grounds, making you 4F--unfit for duty. 😀
Of course, all those designations may have changed in ...[text shortened]... t be in or near any war zone, anywhere. If CO doesn't work, there are plenty of other outs.
Like Canada?


05 Jan 04
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by torch71
Like Canada?
Why not? After all, we did accept tens of thousands of African-Americans escaping slavery. The difference isn't that big.


13 Jul 06
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by torch71
Yes, I would serve my country as needed. I definitely wouldn't want to be along side of all the yellow bellied draft dodgers trying to find a loophole to get out of doing what is right.

In my opinion all draft dodgers should be exiled and never be allowed to return to this country. If you are not willing to pay a price for freedom, you should not benefit from the rewards!!!
In that case the country isn't free in the first place if people are forced to do something because the government says it's "doing what's right".

Very Mysterious


23 Aug 04
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by mrstabby
In that case the country isn't free in the first place if people are forced to do something because the government says it's "doing what's right".
That's how I feel about it. If the people aren't willing to fight for their country, then maybe the country should fall. Conscription really bothers me.


13 Jul 06
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
That's how I feel about it. If the people aren't willing to fight for their country, then maybe the country should fall. Conscription really bothers me.
I don't see the problem with a volunteer army.

Very Mysterious


23 Aug 04
13 Nov 07

Originally posted by mrstabby
I don't see the problem with a volunteer army.
Well, it helps when you are three generations of technology above the enemy of course.

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