It reminds me a little of: “What did the Romans ever do for us?”
The railway system, for one.
Of course colonialism wasn’t implimented for the greater good of the local inhabitants. But to suggest nothing good came from it is absurd.
And, especially when talking about India, to blame everything on the English (okay… Brits) is false.
From early Indo-Aryan migration, via Buddhistic rulers through Alexander to the Mughal empires… the French and the Portuguese… all left lasting impressions, stress, pain, cuisine and beauty on the country.
And not to mention the caste system. If that doesn’t parallel the existing problems with the Islamic and British legacies, I don’t know where you’re getting your information from.
What India would have looked like without British rule? Probably an expanded Moslim North and a Hindu Middle and South. So, basically 2 or more countries (it’s hard to imagine how the disintegrating Mughal empire would have ended up without the British being there) and without the impressive railway system. More than that is hard to guess.
The Brits had outposts there from roughly 1700 onwards.
From 1820 to 1947 (let’s say 150 years) it fell under the British empire.
That’s not that long a period in a 2.500 year history.
So, although British rule in India came at a crucial time in history and can be perceived as radical, it is nothing more than a blimp on the vast scale of that sub-continent. Many of the changes the British pushed through would have probably happened eventually anyway. And some wouldn’t have. And who’s to say, in hindsight, what would have been better?
Now we decide not to conquer and dominate physically. Yet there is plenty of regime-change, financial influencing and poverty abuse in many countries.
And when people are starving we send aid.
It’s not a black and white scenario. It never was and it never will be. It’s just a big pile of greys.
@shavixmir saidAnd if you think this is bad, you should see the Irish National Museum...
It reminds me a little of: “What did the Romans ever do for us?”
The railway system, for one.
Of course colonialism wasn’t implimented for the greater good of the local inhabitants. But to suggest nothing good came from it is absurd.
The post that was quoted here has been removedI can vouch for where I live. I wish Trinidad and Tobago was still under British Imperialism. Colonialism is / was a blessing for indigenous people. If India was under colonial rule they would have been more prosperous than China and the population would have been under control.
If the management of firm or business needs good strong intelligent leadership for it to prosper how can anyone believe that it is not the case for countries. The damaging effects of poor, crooked governments are open for all to see all over the world where Imperialist powers have left the natives to their own devices. It is a total and complete failure.
Of course the Imperialists will take from the colonies, but the colonies benefit far more. I can give you thousands of examples here in my country alone of this failure. Dont ask me again. I said it already many times. Many indigenous people cannot manage their own countries resources without help from outside.
@rajk999 saidUhuh. Yeah. Right.
I can vouch for where I live. I wish Trinidad and Tobago was still under British Imperialism. Colonialism is / was a blessing for indigenous people. If India was under colonial rule they would have been more prosperous than China and the population would have been under control.
If the management of firm or business needs good strong intelligent leadership for it to prosp ...[text shortened]... times. Many indigenous people cannot manage their own countries resources without help from outside.
Christ, where to start.
Well here: don’t generalize. Some indigenous people profit greatly from colonization. A great many don’t.
This being said, the ruling elite treat everyone with disdain, so whether you were a shudra in Mumbai or a miner in Glasgow, colonization and empire gave you nothing positive.
@rajk999 saidAnd that has nothing to do with colonization.
Most of the Imperial powers shed their control of the colonies between 1930 and 1950. How about if you tell me which of these countries who are now independent of Colonial rule, are now prospering.
@shavixmir saidRegardless, I am old enough to have seen for myself [as opposed to 3rd party information] what is is like living under the two masters. I much rather being under British rule. Either way it is a master over you. One takes their fair share in taxes while maintaining a decent standard of living, while the other master steals and pillages the treasury and keeps the masses in ignorance and poverty. If you have never lived in a 3rd world country, dont argue. If you want to know the truth, and cannot live here then the figures and data speaks for itself. Do some research.
Uhuh. Yeah. Right.
Christ, where to start.
Well here: don’t generalize. Some indigenous people profit greatly from colonization. A great many don’t.
This being said, the ruling elite treat everyone with disdain, so whether you were a shudra in Mumbai or a miner in Glasgow, colonization and empire gave you nothing positive.
The post that was quoted here has been removedSingapore was under British rule until 1963 and the reasons for its success is that the British before they left set it up as a free trade zone and transshipment port. This is the reason why it is a success. Nothing to do with any other country. I think Singapore is now under the rule of the Malaysian govt and they would not interfere with something that works well.
The post that was quoted here has been removedOk ... point taken. Who set up Singapore as a free port and when? The point of this thread is the contribution made by Imperialists. Some say there are none. I say there are many and in some cases the country went to the dogs when the Imperial power departed.