I reckon the commie-Islamofascist-loving, Islamo-apologists deleted my original post because the truth about Islam hurt their "little feelings", so here is part two. I assume it, too, will be deleted as this website has become so biased it isn't even funny. My previous post was the truth deliverd the way it is supposed to be delivered; without sugar-coating! Any religion, including Christianity, Judaism, et. al., that riot and kill innocent people in the name of their God, in this case "Allah", because the Pope quoted some obscure truth that was spoken 800 years ago is plain pathetic and should send a warning to the world that Islam is NOT a religion of peace. I've tried to use my educated reasoning from reading books on Islam to get a better view of their ideals and to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt as to why they react the waw that they do, but the recent uprisings with the cartoons, and now with the mutterings of the Papal regarding Mohammed has convinced me that there can be no peace among Christians, Muslims, and Jews; Christians and Jews, yes, but with Muslims, no. I'm sorry if this flies sideways up the arses of the multiculturalists, but the truth is...well the truth. When it gets to the point when newspapers are afraid to depict Islam for what is because of fear of a fatwa, and a documetarist is murdered for his opinions, then it is time to re-examine whether we want to live in a society of free-speech or in a society in which we must walk on eggshells when it concerns Islam. Personally, I like the idea of freedom of speech/press; God knows Christians are being bashed in the media from Toledo to Timbuktu, but we don't see mass hysteria in the Christian community as we do in the Muslim community; why is that? Is it because Muslims are insecure? Is it because if Israel is not wiped off the face of the earth and the world ruled as one huge caliphate, then Muhammed was a liar and thus Islam is a farce? The only recourse I see, and it is a harsh one, is to deport all Muslims back to the middle east to practice their religion "freely", without spilling blood in Europe and the U.S. We can continue trade and assist one another, but to live amongst each other is inviting disaster, especially when Muslims become the majority in Europe and demand Sha'ria law...what then? I don't hate Muslims as some of you think I do, but the recent revelations about the religion, even among moderate Muslims, leaves no doubt in my mind that Islam cannot exist peacfully with Christianity and Judaism. Am I wrong, and if so, why? Afterall, Muhammed's decree was a world-wide caliphate, and for Muslims to stop at anything short of this would be heresy...you thoughts, please.
Originally posted by chancremechanicAll of the above.
I reckon the commie-Islamofascist-loving, Islamo-apologists deleted my original post because the truth about Islam hurt their "little feelings", so here is part two. I assume it, too, will be deleted as this website has become so biased it isn't even funny. My previous post was the truth deliverd the way it is supposed to be delivered; without suga ...[text shortened]... or Muslims to stop at anything short of this would be heresy...you thoghts, please.
Originally posted by AThousandYoungGo crawl back under your rock....and keep reading the NY Times....🙄
[b]Any religion, including Christianity, Judaism, et. al., that riot and kill innocent people in the name of their God, in this case "Allah", because the Pope quoted some obscure truth that was spoken 800 years ago
You know that innocent people were killed because of this how?[/b]
Originally posted by chancremechanicThese mealy-mouthed 'moderators' on this site are imposing a gag on anyone who is critical of their pets and bigots, but allow anyone to attack America, the UK, and Western valiues in general, with impunity
I reckon the commie-Islamofascist-loving, Islamo-apologists deleted my original post because the truth about Islam hurt their "little feelings", so here is part two. I assume it, too, will be deleted as this website has become so biased it isn't even funny. My previous post was the truth deliverd the way it is supposed to be delivered; without suga ...[text shortened]... r Muslims to stop at anything short of this would be heresy...you thoughts, please.
They have just removed a thread I posted drawing attention to the activities of negro converts to Islamic fanaticism in the UK. The fact that such exist must apparently not be recognised.
Originally posted by PhilodorHe thinks the Native Americans are getting a raw deal also. When I told him I was also a Native American he started pasting the names of extinct tribes on the forum page.
It is because people like you and other wets are in charge of the legal system in the Uk that we are getting blown up by the very fanatics to which chancremechanic is drawing attention.
Originally posted by slimjimHe is a pseudo-intellectual who evidenly thinks a degree in biochemistry gives him a head-start in a debate on any topic.
He thinks the Native Americans are getting a raw deal also. When I told him I was also a Native American he started pasting the names of extinct tribes on the forum page.
Originally posted by chancremechanicYou forget that that a huge majority of Muslims did not protest against the Pope's comments. That article on the "massive" protests with the effigy of the Pope being burnt was in Basra and all of 185 people were present at the protest. That little figure was left out of most media reports. The majority of Muslim leaders worldwide also called for the very small but very radical minority to shut up, but again, the media only reported on the small number of deluded fundamentalists making fools of themselves and blaspheming Islam with their ridiculous rants. The media sensationalised the whole thing and blew the protests out of proportion. So, everyone has swallowed what the media is feeding them and presuming that all Muslims were outraged and have gone on some massive rampage when in fact, it was a very very small minority.
I reckon the commie-Islamofascist-loving, Islamo-apologists deleted my original post because the truth about Islam hurt their "little feelings", so here is part two. I assume it, too, will be deleted as this website has become so biased it isn't even funny. My previous post was the truth deliverd the way it is supposed to be delivered; without suga r Muslims to stop at anything short of this would be heresy...you thoughts, please.
Originally posted by EsotericHave a rec
So the fact that you called negros "simpletons" did not have anything to do with it? I bet you wouldn’t even say anything like that to their face you little despicable excuse for a man hiding behind a keyboard. I bet in the real world you keep your mincey little balls hidden in your groin don’t you little racist twat.
Originally posted by EsotericThe president of Iran, and other Islamic and non-Islamic leaders, had the perfect opportunity at the recent U.N. council to denounce redical Islamofascism and call on all moderate Islamists to denonce their demonic brothers. Did they do that? NO! All, I heard was that Bush was el diablo from that blow-hard HUGE Chavez. Did the U.N., that useless bastion of anti-Americanism, denonce what the Muslims were doung around the world, and not just Basra? NO! I say get the U.N. OUT of the U.S. and place it in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti....where, perhaps, it could do some good....minus U.S. participation.
You forget that that a huge majority of Muslims did not protest against the Pope's comments. That article on the "massive" protests with the effigy of the Pope being burnt was in Basra and all of 185 people were present at the protest. That little figure was left out of most media reports. The majority of Muslim leaders worldwide also called for the very sm ...[text shortened]... traged and have gone on some massive rampage when in fact, it was a very very small minority.