"Just as was true when the Mueller investigation closed without a single American being charged with criminally conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election, Wednesday’s issuance of the long-waited report from the Department of Justice’s Inspector General reveals that years of major claims and narratives from the U.S. media were utter frauds."
He libs! who told you you were lying all along!
Donald Trump was right, a witch hunt conceived by Democrats and the FBI.
@earl-of-trumps saidLove that phrasing. "The Charles Manson trial concluded without a single American being charged with genocide. What a nothingburger!"[WORD TOO LONG]/
[b]"Just as was true when the Mueller investigation closed without a single American being charged with criminally conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election, Wednesday’s issuance ...[text shortened]... ying all along!
Donald Trump was right, a witch hunt conceived by Democrats and the FBI.
You have a strange take on the conclusion of the Mueller report. It concluded that was a conspiracy to meddle in the 2016 election, orchestrated by Russian agents. Trump continues to this day to believe in the debunked theory that it was the Ukrainians and not the Russians.
You have an equally strange take on the AG's report on the FBI investigation, the conclusion of which was that the FBI investigation was not politically motivated or a "witch-hunt" to get Trump. It was based on legitimate concerns and did in fact turn up evidence of a conspiracy, strong enough to lead to indictments.
And a huge deal is made of the dings the IG found in the way the papers were handled. 17 problems found which are now touted by the RePutinican party as 17 LIES. But the same kind of process problems have been found by EVERY IG report aside from any conspiracy or some such. But the rePutinicans have weaponized that bit as if that makes the rest of the report suspect which it most decidedly is NOT. The agents made mistakes in protocol, filling out paperwork wrong, that is not the same as some kind of deep state conspiracy pushing the idea the FBI as a whole was out to get Trump. Actually, there are a lot of agents who reveled in Trump getting elected, TAKE THAT YOU COMMIE LIBERAL was the gist of some of their posts.
But of course THAT kind of rhetoric would not be shown in the zeal of the conspiracy assswipes.
Well Moscow Mitch and Graham have already publicly stated they have already found Trump innocent even before they see the full articles of impeachment.
A true kangaroo court except in this case pronounced innocent way ahead of time and they KNOW what he did was VERY wrong but they care nothing about such pesky details as oath of office and protecting the constitution, that is out the window for these rePUTINicans. They want a KING.
And of course Trump will be shouting from the bell tower INNOCENT, exonerated, NO QUID PRO QUO and so forth for the next year. At least till Moscow Mitch, Graham, that turkey Jordan, Miller, Trump are all history in 2020 and maybe a real person will be POTUS then. Just think, no more Barr, Pompeo, Sondland, Miller, Giuliani, Trump and the rest. Wouldn't THAT be a welcome change, eh.
They don't have the BALLS to actually say he is innocent so this is their fall back.
History will show just how corrupt the whole shebang of the rePUTINicans really are.
I wonder if Moscow Mitch ever worries about that, how maybe his grandkids will view his time in office? Trump's kids think they are starting a dynasty, they think they will be POTUS too. What a joke.
@earl-of-trumps saidspot on, but don't expect any of these fools to agree.. from the same party that Killed Randy Weavers wife and son on Ruby Ridge Idaho, and the people in Waco Texas under Bill Clinton, 20 of those killed in Waco were children. Weaver was awarded a settlement over the death of his wife, as did Harris, but that doesn't bring back his wife or son.. few people even know about the settlement.. media to blame?[WORD TOO LONG]/
[b]"Just as was true when the Mueller investigation closed without a single American being charged with criminally conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election, Wednesday’s issuance ...[text shortened]... ying all along!
Donald Trump was right, a witch hunt conceived by Democrats and the FBI.