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Intelligent Design as respectable hypothesis (a...

Intelligent Design as respectable hypothesis (a...


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Can anybody point out even one article published in a respectable scientific journal arguing the case for Intelligent Design Theory?

Much obliged.


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Originally posted by sjeg
Can anybody point out even one article published in a respectable scientific journal arguing the case for Intelligent Design Theory?

Much obliged.


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Originally posted by sjeg
Can anybody point out even one article published in a respectable scientific journal arguing the case for Intelligent Design Theory?

Much obliged.

There was such a search done for the april 2005 scientific american
article I think in the sceptics corner, he could not find one
publication and for good reason. All the creationist, ID'ers, etc. have
are words, attacks and more attacks, pointing out issues with
evolution, clutching at straws. In the scientific american article,
they showed a book on evolution which sold 2 million copies and on
of the major ones on ID which sold 20,000. The best shot they have
is life has too many co-incidental mixes of vital proteans for it to be
anything but ID. They know and admit micro-evolution takes place
but they pin their pathetic hopes on Macroevolution, the bringing
about of major new forms, which hasn't yet been proven by
evolutionists. They offer no real papers in peer reviewed journals
with the excuse they would be banned or some such. The fact is
they have not attempted to do so for the simple reason they don't
want a scientific fight, they want only emotional jugdements based
on that pathetic christian dogma about the 7 days creation story that
was stolen from the egyptians at least 3000 years older. I know this
for a fact having seen the 7 day creation myth on 3000 year old
cartuches at the Cairo museum in egypt. It is only a myth but
the bible thumpers try to present it as if it were coming directly from
the 'mouth' of the christian god.
They also try to claim evolution is taught in a condensending way
designed to denigrate faith based dogma, which for the most part
is simply not true. So thats my take on it for what its worth, probably

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Originally posted by sonhouse
There was such a search done for the april 2005 scientific american
article I think in the sceptics corner, he could not find one
publication and for good reason. All the creationist, ID'ers, etc. have
are words, attacks and more attacks, pointing out issues with
evolution, clutching at straws. In the scientific american article,
they showed a book o ...[text shortened]... the most part
is simply not true. So thats my take on it for what its worth, probably
'Au contraire'

Thanks very much. The thread took off rather better, if you want to check out the Spirituality side.

Interesting about the cartuche. I hadn't heard of that myth. I'd like to hear more, if you have a minute. Anyway, it's an interesting topic. Cheers, gov.

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If you are serious about wanting to find an article arguing the case for intelligent design, then I would suggest buying the TJ Magazine. Well written, very scientific, and well respected. It is also well hated by those wanting to hold onto their evolutionary beliefs, and hated by those not wanting to admit that God exists.

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Originally posted by KnightOfTheLord
If you are serious about wanting to find an article arguing the case for intelligent design, then I would suggest buying the TJ Magazine. Well written, very scientific, and well respected. It is also well hated by those wanting to hold onto their evolutionary beliefs, and hated by those not wanting to admit that God exists.
How about a bit more of a reference. A quick google search for "TJ magazine" yielded mostly a magazine devoted to Jeeps and some references to other things that were clearly NOT a magazine named "TJ".

Let's see what you mean by "very scientific".



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Originally posted by sjeg
Can anybody point out even one article published in a respectable scientific journal arguing the case for Intelligent Design Theory?

Much obliged.


This site gives arguments pro and con

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Originally posted by sjeg
Can anybody point out even one article published in a respectable scientific journal arguing the case for Intelligent Design Theory?

Much obliged.

I can point to one:

Stephen Meyer, “The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories” Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 117(2004):213-239.

I believe that is the only one, and that young earth cretaionists never achieved even this much.

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