@spruce112358 saidWhy can't you raise taxes? You don't have to raise individual marginal rates. But you can raise the corporate tax to maybe something in between what it was in 2016 and now. You can treat inheritances and large gifts as ordinary income. You can do a lot of things to raise hundreds of billions without hurting ordinary people.
Now, don't go gay on us, there, @sh76. Sounds like you're kinda sweet on this Josh Shapiro guy. 🙂
Problem is balancing the budget means reining in spending, which will cause a recession (since we can't raise taxes).
Maybe just leave the debt/deficit alone?
@spruce112358 said===Now, don't go gay on us, there, @sh76. Sounds like you're kinda sweet on this Josh Shapiro guy. 🙂===
Now, don't go gay on us, there, @sh76. Sounds like you're kinda sweet on this Josh Shapiro guy. 🙂
Problem is balancing the budget means reining in spending, which will cause a recession (since we can't raise taxes).
Maybe just leave the debt/deficit alone?
How do you know I identify as a man? 😉
@spruce112358 saidSomeone who doesn't think roads are racist.
Because what we've got here, apart from being Straight, is Pete Buttigieg. Every thing else fits, except for maybe those pesky 'conservative values', whatever they are. So enlighten us, please.
@KellyJay saidNo, they mean to decrease what they call "waste" by cutting out programs they don't like.
No, name calling was happening from both sides. The issues mattered more, the open border was the root cause of several bad things being as bad as they are. I disliked the freebies for votes, with money we didn’t have, so taxes need to be raised. I am a fan of a G. K. Chesterson quote,
“There are two ways to get enough. One to acquire more, the other desire less.”
...[text shortened]... more, this time one side is talking about spending less by cutting waste and I believe they mean it.
@Rajk999 saidSo you advocate piling on to people already in a desperate situation.
Single parenting should be discouraged. Giving women money to raise kids is encouraging sluts to reproduce.
What happened to being compassionate to their struggle?
@Suzianne saidYou typically paint worst-case scenarios with other's motivations, practically without
No, they mean to decrease what they call "waste" by cutting out programs they don't like.
exception with those you disagree with. Getting efficient means setting up to get
the most out of your dollar. I've spent years working in the government and the
private sector, and there is a lot of waste occurring in government that would never
occur in the private sector. Like a business that is failing, they have to examine
themselves in how they are doing things, because it is currently set up exactly right
to get their current output they have at the moment, if they can turn it around it
will be because they start acting and doing things differently.
@KellyJay saidIt’s “the Third Reich cutting programs…”
You typically paint worst-case scenarios with other's motivations, practically without
exception with those you disagree with. Getting efficient means setting up to get
the most out of your dollar. I've spent years working in the government and the
private sector, and there is a lot of waste occurring in government that would never
occur in the private sector. Like a b ...[text shortened]... ment, if they can turn it around it
will be because they start acting and doing things differently.
Also the Gestapo goose-stepping around the White House which is draped in swastika flags, concentration camps in Texas and Arizona, women, gays, trans, blacks, Hispanics being persecuted, Democrats rounded up and shot in the streets and the constitution of the USA torn up.
@KellyJay saidBecause they decided to have their cake and eat it too.
Why don't you self-reflect and wonder why the majority of people in the US voted
With the right to abortion on many state ballots, (7 out of 10, passed) voters could have their morning after pill and still prevent a Democrat from getting to the White House.
@kmax87 saidCould Trump delegate abortion rights to the States and permit travel to get one?
Because they decided to have their cake and eat it too.
With the right to abortion on many state ballots, (7 out of 10, passed) voters could have their morning after pill and still prevent a Democrat from getting to the White House.
Seems like a relatively easy compromise.
@divegeester saidMelania would agree but it depends on who Trump is in cahoots with. The truth is nobody knows.
Could Trump delegate abortion rights to the States and permit travel to get one?
Seems like a relatively easy compromise.