Originally posted by kmax87You mean, if he forces insurance companies to pay more types of claims and to balance that off he forces more people who didn't want it to pay for insurance, and he sets maximum prices (ceiling) which are to be tied to floors, forcing floors to thereyby rise, then and therefore is he benefitting the insurances that opposed his moves?
IF health care is to be mandated, doesn't that mean a win for insurance companies?
And if so, should Obama be the poster child of cash cow capitalism?
I think you're old enough to figure out the answer to this one, but I'll let you look for something more interesting to say instead rather than seek ways to make him look good.
Republican or Democrat, the facts are that no, he is not primarily helping most people or companies.
According to my news letter from Edward Jones...Managed Health care companies will take the worse hits.. figuring to pay 80 billion in taxes in the next 10 years.
Do they survive? If they don't what will take their place?
Private Drs' for the rich?
I'm not sure this is a win-win situation yet.