Originally posted by CliffLandinwiki doesn't mention GOP ... DNC will have their chance in 2008 ...
Didn't they combine the GOP, the CIA and the FBI under the banner of the new Intelligence Czar?
"In the months Negroponte spent as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq he received plaudits, even from Bush administration critics such as Fred Kaplan, for his work tackling corruption in the U.S. administration in Iraq. "
Originally posted by zeeblebotroflmao - does that include the $80,000,000.00 missing and the $50,000,000 in equiptment that has gone missing?
wiki doesn't mention GOP ... DNC will have their chance in 2008 ...
"In the months Negroponte spent as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq he received plaudits, even from Bush administration critics such as Fred Kaplan, for his work tackling corruption in the U.S. administration in Iraq. "
Originally posted by Alpha10Well, dickhead might be a bit harsh, but the caps are annoying.
Is STANG a dickhead who should learn that caps lock should not always be on, and that no one enjoys reading his drivel?
People don't like to read his stuff, but they sure do read it and talk about it.
So maybe my opinion of the effectiveness of his method is changing.
However, he seems to turn even those that agree with him against him.