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It's better to be strong and wrong, than right and weak

It's better to be strong and wrong, than right and weak



Just sayin'


Biden is wrong and weak, that's even worse.


@AverageJoe1 said
Just sayin'
You're the kind of scum that made Hitler possible.

Just sayin'

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@AverageJoe1 said
Just sayin'
You'd LOVE Putin, then. And Kim. And Orban.

Oh, wait, you do.


@AverageJoe1 said
Just sayin'
You, sir, are a complete moron.

Just sayin’.

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@AverageJoe1 said
Just sayin'
Better for whom?

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@shavixmir said
You, sir, are a complete moron.

Just sayin’.
No no no, I was just showing y’all what Bill Clinton said years ago.
These were his exact words. So I am not a moron, I was just showing you what he said. He is saying, in case you don’t see, that Trump would be better than Biden.

We need to get this out there.


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@Cliff-Mashburn said
Biden is wrong and weak, that's even worse.
Cliff, everyone knows this old adage. Can’t believe it makes these fellers mad…at ME?

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@AverageJoe1 said
No no no, I was just showing y’all what Bill Clinton said years ago.
These were his exact words. So I am not a moron, I was just showing you what he said. He is saying, in case you don’t see, that Trump would be better than Biden.

We need to get this out there.

😂damn you make the gullible fools fall for it every time 😂

they didnt know clinton was the one that you quoted

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@Mott-The-Hoople said
😂damn you make the gullible fools fall for it every time 😂

they didnt know clinton was the one that you quoted
I don't mean to play 'gotcha, ' i just endeavor to keep things interesting. The craziest stuff is from Sonhouse, he writes about any and everything, it is difficult to glean anything interesting or insightful. His latest? He mentioned the murder of Kasoggi in a post, totally out of the blue. Query....what would be the nature of a response to his doing that? Even if I have heartfelt feelings about Kasoggi, what do I write back to add to his post??? Geez. He is a nice guy, I think he gets mad at me.

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Soothfast, Suzianne Shav and Poinderable, all in the same net.

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Now I am having to deal w Sonhouse, wno is rabid that Trump 'responded incorrectly or not at all' to the Kashoggi murder. I explained a few reasons, of diplomacy, and capped it off by asking him..............

Which would be more important...Trump telling the world that he is angry about the Kashoggi murder, OR,,,,,OR,,,,,,OR, Biden telling the world that he is angry about the Border Mess Crisis, that he is sorry for, and wants to make a speech about it a 2PM today?

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@AverageJoe1 said
Just sayin'
Maybe in US politics, but in your daily life ... bad idea.

This what you expressed here is the 'bully' attitude you see so often in American movies. I know is your way of life, but it leads to failure.

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@Rajk999 said
Maybe in US politics, but in your daily life ... bad idea.

This what you expressed here is the 'bully' attitude you see so often in American movies. I know is your way of life, but it leads to failure.
Is that you, SHouse? What?

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