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It's "Mourning in America"



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They call themselves "The Lincoln Project".

I call them: "Long overdue!"


Interesting development, we will see about ist impact in about half a year.


@ponderable said
Interesting development, we will see about ist impact in about half a year.
"Interesting development, we will see about (its) impact in about half a year."
- Ponderable

Yes we will.

Predictably, those in power are kicking and screaming to stay there.
The disinformation bots and anti-American propagandists are busily working overtime.

However, the data manipulation, by firms like Cambridge Analytica, has been curtailed significantly. Our nation's "persuadables" will not be so easily fooled again.

Trump will no longer be permitted to "rule through minority" as he's become accustomed. His desperation to remain in power may eventually lead to an overt incitation of violence.

But Trump has angered too many powerful people. His spastic flailing will inevitably cease and his own shallow tactics will be used against him.

There are many angry, powerful patriots in the U.S.

Their restraint has limitations.
He's crossed many lines in the sand: But an attempted coup, would spell his doom.


Blame Trump for "layoffs:..? I'm shocked!


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