So just being in any kind of relationship with an ISIS dude gets you in trouble, since by association, she must also be ISIS. A bit of a stretch and he has gone too far.
Must be related to Trump.
Have you seen the rise of authoritarian governments around the planet lately? It is a blight on humanity and we should know better, just because we are in the 21st century doesn't mean all the bad people have just gone into hiding. There are in fact, bad people who want power above all things. We need to be able to recognize their nature BEFORE they become politically powerful. Don't know how that can happen though.
It just goes to say there are a lot of gullible not so intelligent people out there who think the next guy who spouts he can make a difference in their lives, they fall for that line of shyte every time. It seems like the human race can do with a dose of REAL intelligence where the average person uses critical thinking to see through these sham artists. For instance when I first saw Donald Trump on the Apprentice I disliked him, his obvious narcissism showed through everything he did but because of that TV show, he is now POTUS. Pathetic.