This evening a television documentairy aired in the Netherlands wherein Wim Dankbaar and Peter R. de Vries claimed that they've solved the JFK murder after years and years of investigation and research.
I have followed the developments and the proposed theories in the JFK case in the past, and I must admit these two did a good job. The picture they present is based on cold facts and credible testimonies.
Check it out, because this isn't just the zillionth episode in a never ending story. This is serious stuff. They have a confession from the man who shot JFK in the head.
Originally posted by ivanhoeIt's an interesting, professional, slick website, Ivanhoe. However I start to lose interest as soon as the "Skull & Bones" conspiracy theory begins.
This evening a television documentairy aired in the Netherlands wherein Wim Dankbaar and Peter R. de Vries claimed that they've solved the JFK murder after years and years of investigation and research.
I have followed the developments and the proposed theories in the JFK case in the past, and I must admit these two did a good job. The picture they presen ...[text shortened]... nfession from the man who shot JFK in the head.
Originally posted by ivanhoeThe conspiracy theories get way too complicated to be workable. I've never believed Oswald acted alone but it always seemed to me like it was a pretty straightforward hit set up by organized crime and/or Castro. Everybody has a right to investigate and these people certainly seem to have done a good job of it. But I get the uneasy feeling that it may be a case of reverse engineering: start with the conclusion you want to reach and build up the necessary evidence. I certainly may be wrong but that's the feeling I get.
Why ?
Originally posted by DelmerDo you believe James Files claiming he killed JFK ?
The conspiracy theories get way too complicated to be workable. I've never believed Oswald acted alone but it always seemed to me like it was a pretty straightforward hit set up by organized crime and/or Castro. Everybody has a right to investigate and these people certainly seem to have done a good job of it. But I get the uneasy feeling that it may be a cas ...[text shortened]... ch and build up the necessary evidence. I certainly may be wrong but that's the feeling I get.
Originally posted by ivanhoeI don't quite know how to answer that, Ivanhoe. I'd have to look at much more information than I saw in the few minutes I spent on the website. I'd have to know much more about Files and what he has to gain or lose by such an admission. The JFK killing has been investigated by a huge number of private and public entities, foreign and domestic, and never seems to get much beyond the Warren Commission Report, which was as large as a set of encyclopedias as I recall. I can remember it vividly. The most startling thing I've ever seen on TV was watching Ruby kill Oswald. More startling than watching the World Trade Towers fall. But it was long ago and it would take a lot of proof from a lot of trustworthy people for me to believe anything new was emerging. It's possible, of course, but I just don't think it's likely.
Do you believe James Files claiming he killed JFK ?
Originally posted by DelmerDo you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President and did it on his own, like the Warren report states ?
I don't quite know how to answer that, Ivanhoe. I'd have to look at much more information than I saw in the few minutes I spent on the website. I'd have to know much more about Files and what he has to gain or lose by such an admission. The JFK killing has been investigated by a huge number of private and public entities, foreign and domestic, and never seems ...[text shortened]... anything new was emerging. It's possible, of course, but I just don't think it's likely.
Originally posted by ivanhoeYes. Did you ever read the Warren report? It's quite detailed though no report done so shortly after an event gets every single fact 100% correct. You might try Posner's book, Case Closed as well which punctures every single conspiracy theory except the really outlandish ones (switching the body on Air Force One, for example).
Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President and did it on his own, like the Warren report states ?
Originally posted by ivanhoeIt was Hoover and the FBI.
Sorry, I misunderstood that post. It's clear now. Thanks.
End if story.
One: The Kennedies had the goods on Hoovers perversion for younger men.
two: JFK didn't want to enter Vietnam (which was going to bring an awful lot of money to a an awful lot of men).
Originally posted by shavixmirEach successive post of yours shows how completely round the bend you are. No matter what the subject under discussion.
It was Hoover and the FBI.
End if story.
One: The Kennedies had the goods on Hoovers perversion for younger men.
two: JFK didn't want to enter Vietnam (which was going to bring an awful lot of money to a an awful lot of men).
Originally posted by NargagunaWell one piece of evidence in that direction: Kennedy was within one week of issuing a BIG shakeup in the FBI. Hoover was such an arrogant ashole I would not put it past him to stop the decimation of his crowd.
Each successive post of yours shows how completely round the bend you are. No matter what the subject under discussion.
When you have enemies like Hoover, Castro, Kruschev(sp?), and the like, conspiracy theories will pop up even if its solved to everyone's satisfaction.
Some conspiracy theories don't even NEED enemies, look at the moon landing hoaxers or the flat earthers. Now THERE is an intelligent bunch, eh.