No matter how ignorant corrupt crooked incompetent and outright white-hating racist/hate on America a candidate is, if they are a Democrat, Biden and the rest of the party will support them.
No way Stacey Abrams should even be allowed to run for office, but she has a real chance to become the next governor.
Notice how these crybaby conservatives label it "race-bating" when racists whites are called out?
I make a post celebrating racial diversity in UK government, conservative snowflakes cry "why is everything about race?" But a post bashing non-whites is perfectly fine?
How many conservatives who bitched about me pointing the UK's diversity will call out the racist trash who started this thread? None.
Sleepy, Earl, et al, are only offended when non-whites get the spotlight...unless they're being attacked by other trash like JJ.
@vivify saidConservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. We take care of ourselves (we conserve).
Let's see if I got this right:
calling whites racist - bad
Calling blacks racist - good
celebrating minorities - bad
celebrating whites - good
Lmfao. Conservatives are trash.
We don't rely on others for support day in and day out, we are not dependent, we don't bother the HELL out of other people, or come up with aberrant ideas like 'birthing person' and pronouns like I am a 'they'. And we don't run our mouth broadcasting our sick ideas to everyone.
I would rather be trash than a dependent loser. You work for a corporation. You are a traitor to your sign-carrying friends. What are y'all going to march for today? I guarantee it will have something to do with someone else's stuff. There is no question you own a hoodie. Why the tattoo? You trying to tell everyone something? What, pray tell?
@averagejoe1 saidYou had no idea of the benefit scrounging trash that are your fellow conservatives then, that’s a bit sad.
Conservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. We take care of ourselves (we conserve).
We don't rely on others for support day in and day out, we are not dependent, we don't bother the HELL out of other people, or come up with aberrant ideas like 'birthing person' and pronouns like I am a 'they'. And we don't run our mouth bro ...[text shortened]... question you own a hoodie. Why the tattoo? You trying to tell everyone something? What, pray tell?
Hey Joe don’t get them old school fiscal conservatives mixed up with them racist and queer phobic social conservatives who love a hand out, they are too busy hating everyone that’s not them and waving flags and nut job banners at Trump rallies to hold down a job, so they get paid in welfare cheques.
@averagejoe1 said"Conservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. "
Conservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. We take care of ourselves (we conserve).
We don't rely on others for support day in and day out, we are not dependent, we don't bother the HELL out of other people, or come up with aberrant ideas like 'birthing person' and pronouns like I am a 'they'. And we don't run our mouth bro ...[text shortened]... question you own a hoodie. Why the tattoo? You trying to tell everyone something? What, pray tell?
Riiiiiight. Only liberals boink.
@averagejoe1 saidWhat does this have to do with conservatives being racist hypocrites?
Conservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. We take care of ourselves (we conserve).
We don't rely on others for support day in and day out, we are not dependent, we don't bother the HELL out of other people, or come up with aberrant ideas like 'birthing person' and pronouns like I am a 'they'. And we don't run our mouth bro ...[text shortened]... question you own a hoodie. Why the tattoo? You trying to tell everyone something? What, pray tell?
@vivify saidThose descriptive words (racist and hypocrites) have nothing,absolutely nothing, to do with the issues of racists and hypocrites. I think I said that right.
What does this have to do with conservatives being racist hypocrites?
@zahlanzi saidOnly liberals, being dependent (google diff in libs and conservatives) , beg for help. Gimme it. Other people's stuff. Free checks.Gov handouts. Groups, don't you know? Losers, parasites. With all of these terms, to whom do they most apply? Riiiiigggghhhhtttt. Now you are getting it. Sure, some libs are independent and some conservative are losers. but we are generalizing here. If we apply your all important 51%/49%, you will find more of the parasites are the liberals. Just the facts.
"Conservatives don't have more babies than they can afford, and come begging for help. "
Riiiiiight. Only liberals boink.