Originally posted by ivanhoeI figured he sounded a lot more rational than you do, so it couldn't be you. I speculated over in Sycophant Central that maybe it's Yasser Seirawan!
Nemesio, or someone else, has opened an account under my name, Ivanhoe, on the Cribs's site Forum Wars. I did not open such account. The person hiding behind the name Ivanhoe on Forum Wars is an imposter.
In Sherlockholmesmanship,
2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocritical, Brown Trash
Originally posted by ivanhoeAnd how do we know that you're not the fake Ivanhoe and the REAL Ivanhoe is over at Sycophant Central? Got ya there!
Nemesio, or someone else, has opened an account under my name, Ivanhoe, on the Cribs's site Forum Wars. I did not open such account. The person hiding behind the name Ivanhoe on Forum Wars is an imposter.
In Theoldswitcherooship,
2BitLawyer - Lying, Hypocritical, Brown Trash
Originally posted by ivanhoeI most certainly did not.
Nemesio, or someone else, has opened an account under my name, Ivanhoe, on the Cribs's site Forum Wars. I did not open such account. The person hiding behind the name Ivanhoe on Forum Wars is an imposter.
I'm glad you told me, because I won't engage him in any further dialogue.
I accept your apology in advance for the accusation.