@sonhouse saidNot to worry, I'm sure he has no bad feeling for folks like you who trashed his reputation in front of the entire world and his two daughters without any proof whatsoever.
Can't wait till he can give Trump his get out of jail card and just ITCHING to kill Roe V Wade and kill the EPA, already gutted by Trump.
Not to worry.
@whodey saidOk, no proof, like a police report getting into a fight while drunk in a bar. Sure, total fabrication.
Not to worry, I'm sure he has no bad feeling for folks like you who trashed his reputation in front of the entire world and his two daughters without any proof whatsoever.
Not to worry.
I think you like Trump because you are so much alike, narcissistic sociopaths.
@whodey saidHe trashed his own 'reputation'.
Not to worry, I'm sure he has no bad feeling for folks like you who trashed his reputation in front of the entire world and his two daughters without any proof whatsoever.
Not to worry.
Actions have consequences.
@sonhouse saidKavanaugh is probably enjoying Avenatti's plight at the moment, convicted in the press for assaulting a woman, and pleading his own innocence. It's perfect.
Can't wait till he can give Trump his get out of jail card and just ITCHING to kill Roe V Wade and kill the EPA, already gutted by Trump.
@sonhouse saidI'm not at all sure he'll do any of that.
Can't wait till he can give Trump his get out of jail card and just ITCHING to kill Roe V Wade and kill the EPA, already gutted by Trump.
I somewhat hope he's been chastised a bit by the overwhelmingly negative reaction from legal circles to his bitter, partisan performance in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. While it's true that nothing can realistically be done to him now, there are very few judges or lawyers who don't value their reputation among other legal professionals. He gave a somewhat half-hearted apology for it in an Wall St. Journal Op.-ed. (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/10/4/17939028/brett-kavanaugh-senate-confirmation-wsj-op-ed).
We'll just have to see how he votes on the bench; I won't be shocked if he winds up more like Kennedy than Scalia.
@no1marauder saidGood luck with that. You remember his last statements during the hearings? He will get back at all you damned democrats? "What goes around comes around"?
I'm not at all sure he'll do any of that.
I somewhat hope he's been chastised a bit by the overwhelmingly negative reaction from legal circles to his bitter, partisan performance in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. While it's true that nothing can realistically be done to him now, there are very few judges or lawyers who don't value their reputation among other ...[text shortened]... e to see how he votes on the bench; I won't be shocked if he winds up more like Kennedy than Scalia.
You seriously think he is so morally sound as to not act on that first chance he gets?
He owes Trump big time for putting him up for SCOTUS and I think all the professional morality involved will add up to ZERO when push comes to shove and in the next year or two Trump is at the SCOTUS to stop investigations into his clear corruption.
K's treatment of that pregnant illegal immigrant shows that clearly, it was only luck that girl had THREE judges and the other two voted against K. He HATES the idea of abortion, he wants control of all women just like a thousand years ago, just a continuation of that millennia long battle.
@sonhouse saidI think you overrate the loyalty a SCOTUS nominee has to a President; Nixon's nominees all voted against his position in the Watergate tapes case and many SCOTUS judges have taken positions on important matters completely contrary to the party that supported their appointment. Judge Roberts, for example, cast the deciding vote to preserve the ACA and recently criticized Trump's twitter attacks on a Federal judge. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/417907-trump-hits-back-at-chief-justice-over-obama-judges
Good luck with that. You remember his last statements during the hearings? He will get back at all you damned democrats? "What goes around comes around"?
You seriously think he is so morally sound as to not act on that first chance he gets?
He owes Trump big time for putting him up for SCOTUS and I think all the professional morality involved will add up to ZERO when pus ...[text shortened]... trol of all women just like a thousand years ago, just a continuation of that millennia long battle.
And even if Kavanaugh was the complete political animal you suppose it is hard to see how overturning Roe v. Wade could do anything but hurt Republicans electorally. The midterm exit polling showed that voters by a 66% to 25% wanted to keep Roe rather than overturn it and the GOP got slaughtered among women voters overall. https://www.cnn.com/election/2018/exit-polls A SCOTUS overturn of Roe could very well shift the political calculus in a number of States the Republicans need badly like Ohio and Florida.
I have little doubt the present group of judges on the SCOTUS will nibble around the edges and probably sustain restrictions that make it harder to get an abortion, but I simply don't believe they will be willing to expressly overturn that right (or things like gay marriage either). The SCOTUS rarely moves contrary to strong public opinion and has never reversed a ruling recognizing a right.