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Legacy of Bush and the Republicans

Legacy of Bush and the Republicans



US banking system turned Socialist.
Whooda thunkit.

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The government does not buy any controling interests in the banks. They just buy paper to hopefully sell at a profit at a later date.

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Originally posted by caissad4
US banking system turned Socialist.
Whooda thunkit.
I feel that "W" will go down as the biggest fiscally liberal president of all time......that is until Obama gets in. 😉

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Originally posted by whodey
I feel that "W" will go down as the biggest fiscally liberal president of all time......that is until Obama gets in. 😉
GWB certainly spends plenty of taxpayer money, but that doesn't make him a liberal -- you need to actually spend the money on good things, like necessary domestic infrastructure, to be a liberal.

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Originally posted by caissad4
US banking system turned Socialist.
Whooda thunkit.
Calling the recent moves a shift to socialism is plain ridiculous.

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