.....order peaceful demonstrators tear gassed,
pose in front of a boarded up church for a photo-op
and maybe we got 'The Right Stuff' to be President too.
I guess I'm not eligible though, I was drafted, you see I didn't
have bone spurs......
''Mr. President,on what foot were the bone spurs?
Donald Trump......
''I really can't recall.''
.And, oh yeah, I pay my taxes
Guess I can't be a GREAT LEADER, like TRUMP
@Eladar....There you go again, ELDAR....
Why do you people always point your finger at someone else?
Point at Hillary, point at Obama...WHAT ON EARTH, does the COV-19 rate
in New York have to do with a draft dodging, tax evading President?
Please do tell me, ELDAR.....You people are a joke.