Here is the guy who dug up the video of Jonathan Gruber admitting the worst about Obamacare. After losing his health coverage and having to pay double for a new policy, he was ticked, so he spent a large part of his time finding out who was responsible for the legislation and digging for dirt on them, so to speak.
This is something we can all do. Find out where legislation originates, find out who is responsible, and then start digging.
The more you dig, the more likely you will be able to uncover the inconvenient truth as to why it was shoved down our throats to begin with.
Originally posted by whodeyDidn't you already know it? It takes two ingredients:
The more you dig, the more likely you will be able to uncover the inconvenient truth as to why it was shoved down our throats to begin with.
1. A crappy health care system that's the laughing stock of the industrialized world.
2. A political system that prevents it from being replaced by a good one.