Here’s a little something to cheer you all up.
A Japanese department store where staff could wear badges if they were on their period has said it will "rethink" that policy.
"It was never the intention to share the menstrual information with their customers," a spokeswoman told the BBC.
The company said it would rethink the policy???
God damn...
Only in the age of internet, trump, johnson and selfies could someone think up a scheme as bizarre and truly pointless as this!
@shavixmir saidI believe there is a tribe in which women voluntarily absent themselves from the village a live in a hut on the outskirts during the ‘difficult’ days.
Here’s a little something to cheer you all up.
A Japanese department store where staff could wear badges if they were on their period has said it will "rethink" that policy.
"It was never the intention to share the menstrual information with their customers," a spokeswoman told the BBC.
The company said it woul ...[text shortened]... nson and selfies could someone think up a scheme as bizarre and truly pointless as this!
@shavixmir saidThis just seems too silly to be real.
Here’s a little something to cheer you all up.
A Japanese department store where staff could wear badges if they were on their period has said it will "rethink" that policy.
"It was never the intention to share the menstrual information with their customers," a spokeswoman told the BBC.
The company said it woul ...[text shortened]... nson and selfies could someone think up a scheme as bizarre and truly pointless as this!
Some middle management decisions just don't make the cut, do they?
I can just imagine walking into the council boardroom and making the suggestion.
Damn... balls the size of coconuts one would need!
Although, as a previous poster (semi-)suggested:
“Yeah. Hi. I’ve got this great idea. Right, bear with me... menstruating women... we need them out of the closet. So, we make them wear badges. And, right, we all know what they’re like... so, yeah stay with me on this, they’re banned from the cantina and can only work on the top 3 floors.”
How could a pitch like that fail??
It all reminds me of the teacher in South Park describing women: “I don’t trust anything that can bleed for 5 days and still live...”
@shavixmir saidI think that in our generation we will have technology to simply scan a subject and make that determination.
Here’s a little something to cheer you all up.
A Japanese department store where staff could wear badges if they were on their period has said it will "rethink" that policy.
"It was never the intention to share the menstrual information with their customers," a spokeswoman told the BBC.
The company said it woul ...[text shortened]... nson and selfies could someone think up a scheme as bizarre and truly pointless as this!
And put the results in the cloud.
Like Jean Luc Picard once said, “Make it so, number one.” 😆
@kmax87 saidShe doesn't know, but she'll consult Wikipedia and get right back to ya.
Are you saying Levitical Law regarding uncleaness is still a thing for any representative sample of Jewish women?
Don't mind the preachy tone as she pretends to have known all along.