Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleWhy won't you read Rod Rosenstein's order # 3915-2017 to Robert Mueller before posting such nonsense. What's the matter, too many big words in it?? 🙄
...to denuclearize NK.
30 May 18
Originally posted by @mchillWhy would I read an "unconstitutional directive?
Why won't you read Rod Rosenstein's order # 3915-2017 to Robert Mueller before posting such nonsense. What's the matter, too many big words in it?? 🙄
Originally posted by @mott-the-hoopleWhy would I read an "unconstitutional directive?
Why would I read an "unconstitutional directive?
You have no judicial experience and no law degree, but you're going to tell others what is unconstitutional?? I see someone isn't playing with a full deck.