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Michael Schiavo in Larry King Live ......

Michael Schiavo in Larry King Live ......


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An RHP member sent me the following link today:


"Terri's parents should have produced the video from Larry King's show, March 18, 2005 and asked the judge to watch Michael Schiavo let the truth slip out:

"Larry King: Do you understand how they (Terri's family) feel?"

M. SCHIAVO: Yes, I do. But this is not about them, it's about Terri. And I've also said that in court. We didn't know what Terri wanted, but this is what we want..."

Finally, the frustrated, loving husband blurts out the truth: He didn't know what Terri really wanted, but "this is what we want." We could be him and his live in girl friend or him and his pro-death attorney, George Felos. It matters not. This uncoerced statement by Michael Schiavo clearly hangs him for the liar he is and this evidence should have been presented to Judge Whittemore during the hearing because it goes to the very heart of the matter: What did Terri tell this cheating husband nearly 20 years ago? By his own admission to 1.7 million television viewers, he doesn't know."

IvanH: I would be very grateful if someone could produce the original transcripts of this episode of Larry King Live.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
An RHP member sent me the following link today:


"Terri's parents should have produced the video from Larry King's show, March 18, 2005 and asked the judge to watch Michael Schiavo let the truth slip out:

"Larry King: Do you understand how they (Terri's family) feel?"

M. SCHIAVO ...[text shortened]... y grateful if someone could produce the original transcripts of this episode of Larry King Live.

There is no such comment; Michael clearly states that she said "no tubes for me". Try going to the actual sources rather than right-wing propaganda sites.

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I found it. It's there all right on CNN's transcript pages :


KING: Have you had any contact with the family today? This is a sad day all the way around, Michael. We know of your dispute.

M. SCHIAVO: I've had no contact with them.

KING: No contact at all?


KING: Do you understand how they feel?

M. SCHIAVO: Yes, I do. But this is not about them, it's about Terri. And I've also said that in court. We didn't know what Terri wanted, but this is what we want...


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Originally posted by no1marauder

There is no such comment; Michael clearly states that she said "no tubes for me". Try going to the actual sources rather than right-wing propaganda sites.
No1: "There is no such comment ......

How about it No1 ? Check it out on the site/page I gave.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
M. SCHIAVO: Yes, I do. But this is not about them, it's about Terri. And I've also said that in court. We didn't know what Terri wanted, but this is what we want...
I suppose that the 1000s of times that he said that 'I know what
Terri wanted' don't count, but this grammatically nonsensical sentence
is 'real evidence.'

'We didn't know what she wanted, but this is what we want.'

Have you ever, in a moment of grief and pressure said something that
didn't make any grammatical sense, Ivanhoe?

I think you have.

Sentences before and after, Michael affirmed what Terri wanted and
courts have found corroborating evidence to support it.


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Originally posted by Nemesio
I suppose that the 1000s of times that he said that 'I know what
Terri wanted' don't count, but this grammatically nonsensical sentence
is 'real evidence.'

'We didn't know what she wanted, but this is what we want.'

Have you ever, in a moment of grief and pressure said something that
didn't make any grammatical sense, Ivanhoe?

I think y ...[text shortened]... firmed what Terri wanted and
courts have found corroborating evidence to support it.


Red herrings.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
No1: "There is no such comment ......

How about it No1 ? Check it out on the site/page I gave.

Your desperation knows no bounds. He is obviously referring to the mindset of the parents when he is saying "this is what we want". A few seconds before he says:

M. SCHIAVO: I won't give it up. Terri is my life. I'm going to carry out her wishes to the very end. This is what she wanted. It's not about the Schindlers, it's not about me, not about Congress, it's about Terri.

There is a far more extensive interview on March 21 that I gave above; I missed the short March 18 one. In any case, you right wingers are really being laughable now; shame on you.

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The statement is there and it was not on some "right wing propaganda site" as you suggested.

..... and I should be ashamed no1 ?

EDIT: you simply were not being carefull regarding the facts. Don't try to hide this by again making all kinds of silly accusations and even more silly rebukes.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe
It is there and it was not on some "right wing propaganda site" as you suggested.

..... and I should be ashamed no1 ?

EDIT: you simply were not being carefull regarding the facts. Don't try to hide this by again making all kinds of silly accusations and even more silly rebukes.
I'll admit I went to the wrong interview; the comments are there on March 18. You still should be ashamed that you didn't read the statement carefully.

KING: Do you understand how they feel?

M. SCHIAVO: Yes, I do. But this is not about them, it's about Terri. And I've also said that in court. We didn't know what Terri wanted, but this is what we want...

He's asked how THEY [the Schindlers] feel and he says what they are thinking in his view. The entire interview leaves no doubt whatsoever that he believes he is complying with Terri's wishes as she stated them. For the right-wing site you gave earlier to say otherwise is a deliberate prevarication.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I'll admit I went to the wrong interview; the comments are there on March 18. You still should be ashamed that you didn't read the statement carefully.

KING: Do you understand how they feel?

M. SCHIAVO: Yes, I do. But this is not about them, it's about Terri. And I've also said that in court. We didn't know what Terri wanted, but ...[text shortened]... d them. For the right-wing site you gave earlier to say otherwise is a deliberate prevarication.


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Originally posted by ivanhoe


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Other quotes from this lying right wing propaganda site (according to no1):

" ...... I recorded Michael's statements word for word in Terri's chart, but these entries were also deleted after the end of my shift. Standing orders were that the family wasn't to be contacted, in fact, there was a large sign in the front of her chart that said under no circumstances was her family to be called, call Michael immediately, but I would call them, anyway, because I thought they should know about their daughter."

Iyer's further comments include: "When Michael visited Terri, he always came alone and always had the door closed and locked while he was with Terri. He would typically be there about twenty minutes or so. When he left Terri would be trembling, crying hysterically, and would be very pale and have cold sweats. It looked to me like Terri was having a hypoglycemic reaction, so I'd check her blood sugar. The glucometer reading would be so low, it was below the range where it would register an actual number reading. I would put dextrose in Terri's mouth to counteract it. This happened about five times on my shift, as I recall. Normally Terri's blood sugar levels were very stable due to the uniformity of her diet through tube feeding. It is medically possible that Michael injected Terri with Regular insulin, which is very fast acting, but I don't have any way of knowing for sure."

Iyer is a registered nurse. It is her moral responsibility as well as her job to care for her patient, not stay silent while a patient is being mistreated. Courageously, she has stepped forward with serious allegations that the court should know about and all proper authorities need to get off their political backsides and step in NOW before Terri dies.


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Originally posted by ivanhoe
Other quotes from this lying right wing propaganda site (according to no1):

" ...... I recorded Michael's statements word for word in Terri's chart, but these entries were also deleted after the end of my shift. Standing orders were that the family wasn't to be contacted, in fact, there was a large sign in the front of her chart that said under no ...[text shortened]... NOW before Terri dies.


This whole subject was already discussed in ANOTHER thread!!! Your "courageous" nurse didn't make ANY statement until 2003; they were submitted to the court and here's what the court said about them:

This is the relevant protion from Judge Greer's ruling of Sept. 17, 2003:

The remaining affidavits deal exclusively with events which allegedly occurred in the 1995-1997 time frame. The court feels constrained to discuss them. They are incredible to say the least. Ms. Iyer details what amounts to a 15-month cover-up which would include the staff of Palm Garden of Lago Convalescent Center, the Guardian of the Person, the Guardian ad Litem, the medical professionals, the police and, believe it or not, Mr. and Mrs. Schindler. Her affidavit clearly states that she would "call them (Mr. and Mrs. Schindler) anyway because I thought they should know about their daughter." The affidavit of Ms. Law speaks of Terri responding on a constant basis. Neither in the testimony nor in the medical records is there support for these affidavits as they purport to detail activities and responses of Terri Schiavo. It is impossible to believe that Mr. and Mrs. Schindler would not have subpoenaed Ms. Iyer for the January 2000 evidentiary hearing had she contacted them as her affidavit alleges.

Please stop with this ceaseless parroting of pathetic lies; it's really getting disgusting.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
This whole subject was already discussed in ANOTHER thread!!! Your "courageous" nurse didn't make ANY statement until 2003; they were submitted to the court and here's what the court said about them:

This is the rel ...[text shortened]... ess parroting of pathetic lies; it's really getting disgusting.
Be carefull calling these statements lies. I would support an investigation in how the courts, and in particular Judge Greer came to his conclusions.

"Neither in the testimony nor in the medical records is there support for these affidavits as they purport to detail activities and responses of Terri Schiavo."

..... the medical records ...... This nurse contradicts the "testimony"and the official medical records and therefore she is lying. Sound reasoning ? No1 thinks it is.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
This whole subject was already discussed in ANOTHER thread!!! Your "courageous" nurse didn't make ANY statement until 2003; they were submitted to the court and here's what the court said about them:

This is the relevant protion from Judge Greer's ruling of Sept. 17, 2003:

The remaining affidavits deal exclusively with events wh ...[text shortened]... Please stop with this ceaseless parroting of pathetic lies; it's really getting disgusting.
It's another conspiracy theory.

Ivanhoe, you really need help.


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