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Michael Schiavo, the guardian .....

Michael Schiavo, the guardian .....


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"Early on in Michael Schiavo's quest to remove his wife's source of nourishment, an independent guardian was appointed upon request by Schiavo's own attorney, George Felos. That guardian, attorney Richard Pearse, issued a report to the judge stating that Michael Schiavo was not a credible witness to his wife's end-of-life wishes because he waited several years before coming forward with the claim that she wanted to die. Pearse also noted that Michael Schiavo would benefit financially from her death. Pearse was quickly removed at the request of Felos"

"The peculiar series of events which have led up to the current debate seem to have avoided both the judge's scrutiny and media coverage."

"Michael Schiavo conveniently remembered Terri's alleged wishes only after the malpractice judgment was awarded. A review of court records shows that of the $700,000 from a malpractice settlement Michael won that was to go for her care, over half has been spent on his legal fight to disconnect her feeding tube. Over $200,000 of it has been paid to his attorney George Felos. Michael Schiavo has refused to let his wife receive therapy from a speech pathologist, a common type of rehabilitation available to people with brain injury. A prominent expert filed an affidavit that Terri Schindler-Schiavo can swallow her own saliva, and could potentially be weaned from the feeding tube and recover some speech, so that she could indicate her own wishes."


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" People with severe cognitive disabilities are devalued as lives not worth living. In truth, the lives of all of us with severe disabilities are often considered expendable. This is why we are speaking out. "

" Terri Schindler-Schiavo is said to be in a "persistent vegetative state." But is she? In court, the medical experts were divided."


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I count 5 threads on the Schiavo all started by you. Do you enjoy filling the debates forum with extraneous threads when one would do?

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Michael Schiavo was not a credible witness to his wife's end-of-life wishes because he waited several years before coming forward with the claim that she wanted to die.

Michael claims that he waited because he still held out hope that she would recover. This seems reasonable, especially given that some PVS victims do have varying chances of recovery in the earlier years. I don't think that he had ulterior motives in this, and I will refer you back to the numerous examples of his commitment to his wife during that period which have been offered repeatedly in the numerous other threads you initiated on this topic. I won't waste our time recounting them yet again.

Pearse also noted that Michael Schiavo would benefit financially from her death. Pearse was quickly removed at the request of Felos

When the difficult time admit defeat and fulfill your spouse's wish by letting her go, you don't need some one insinuating that you are just a cold-hearted money grubber. This is even more true given the abundant supply of willfully uninformed people out there who will provide the aforementioned service free of charge.

The peculiar series of events which have led up to the current debate seem to have avoided both the judge's scrutiny and media coverage.

With so many different hearings on the case, this bolded quote is a big tip off that the author is given you a line of BS.

"Michael Schiavo conveniently remembered Terri's alleged wishes only after the malpractice judgment was awarded. A review of court records shows that of the $700,000 from a malpractice settlement Michael won that was to go for her care, over half has been spent on his legal fight to disconnect her feeding tube. Over $200,000 of it has been paid to his attorney George Felos.

Yep. BS. It wasn't convenient. Would you rather he had let her die right away and then sued for damages? People would really have thrown a fit then! As much as it must pain you to admit it, he's not getting any big financial windfall from this.

Now I'm sure that when this is all over, the amount of money made off her prolonged and degrading spectacle from book deals and network TV dramas will gross in the tens of millions of dollars. Michael may get in on it; I suspect the parents will.

Michael Schiavo has refused to let his wife receive therapy from a speech pathologist, a common type of rehabilitation available to people with brain injury. A prominent expert filed an affidavit that Terri Schindler-Schiavo can swallow her own saliva, and could potentially be weaned from the feeding tube and recover some speech, so that she could indicate her own wishes."

Duh . . . has it sunken in yet? Her cerebral cortex is liquified mush. This means no awareness, no thought, no personality, no memory. There is nothing to teach. It would be like losing your arms, and then having an "expert" claim that he could teach you to throw a fastball again for a few thousand dollars. Expert my *&%.

This whole thing disgusts me.

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Abuse Complaint Against Michael Schiavo Made Public
By Jeff Johnson
CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
March 04, 2005

(CNSNews.com) - The Florida agency responsible for protecting disabled and elderly individuals released a sealed, 30-count allegation against Michael Schiavo Friday. The "motion for intervention and stay" charges that Terri Schindler Schiavo's husband has abused, neglected and exploited her while seeking the court's permission to end her life.

The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) asked Pinellas-Pasco County Circuit Judge George Greer last week to give it 60 days to investigate the 11-page complaint.

The DCF motion, released Friday, argues that the agency cannot complete the investigation or provide Terri with services required by law if the 60-day stay is not granted.

"The allegations in the abuse reports go to the heart of whether abuse, neglect and/or exploitation [have] been perpetrated by [Michael Schiavo]," DCF attorneys wrote, "such that any relief afforded by this court to [him] prior to the conclusion of such investigation would be tragically misplaced."

The complaint accuses Schiavo of:

Failure to exercise Terri's arms, resulting in "severe contractures,"

Failure to provide appropriate medical therapy,

Failure to investigate the rehabilitation value of newly available technologies,

Interference in communication with and visitation by Terri's family members and friends,

Denial of access to independent legal counsel,

Failure to file guardianship reports as required by law,

Failure to provide required legal notices to Terri, and

Performing experimental procedures without following proper medical and legal procedures.

The agency concluded that an injunction against Michael Schiavo removing Terri's feeding tube, "would prevent irreparable and immediate harm from occurring by allowing these and other allegations to be investigated."

The agency also reminded Judge Greer that "The court's determination that it has reviewed some or all of these facts does not relieve DCF from discharging its investigative duties."

The motion notes that DCF is bound by Florida law to investigate the allegations and that the courts have been denied authority to prohibit such investigations. Additionally, the agency is responsible for providing protective services to disabled individuals when their loved ones cannot or will not provide those services.

"Plainly stated, due to the investigation and potential need for examination of the alleged victim, surroundings and circumstances as required by law," DCF attorneys wrote, "DCF is interested, directly and immediately, in that part of the guardianship proceeding which calls for the removal of life support, because such action would deny DCF's ability to meet its statutory duty."

Greer is expected to rule next week on whether he will allow the agency to intervene in the case and proceed with its investigation. If he refuses, DCF could seek a protective order from a higher court giving the agency access to Terri and forbidding anyone from removing her feeding tube.

George Felos, attorney for Schiavo and a recognized "right-to-die" advocate and author, has previously denied that his client was mistreating Terri in any way. He accused DCF's actions of being politically motivated.

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