Id like to start a thread off for people to write about how they came to their beliefs and religion. ie was it from a religious arguement, from reading a book, maybe you were born into that religion and have grown up with it. Do you think where you were born and your family influnced your beliefs?
It will be intresting to see how people come to believe while others dont.
Originally posted by GrayeyesofsorrowGood topic:
Id like to start a thread off for people to write about how they came to their beliefs and religion. ie was it from a religious arguement, from reading a book, maybe you were born into that religion and have grown up with it. Do you think where you were born and your family influnced your beliefs?
It will be intresting to see how people come to believe while others dont.
The abbreviated version. I am technically Jewish but went to Catholic school for 12 years due to the quality of education. I actually bought into Catholism for awhile as a little kid (I didn't know better). At 10 years old, my mother committed suicide. A Cathecism book I was forced to study said basically the following:
Suicide is a mortal sin.
If you commit a mortal sin you go to Hell.
I could not deal with that and from there, I didn't fully realize but I knew something was rotten in Denmark. I just thought to myself "how does anybody really know anything"? It's just their belief and its okay to not be you can guess, I am agnostic.
I sat through 7 years of 3 times weekly chapel services. As there was nothing better to do in those services I listened to the sermons. Slowly I realised how christianity to me is a waste of time. I have my morals and such but they aren't based on the fact that I must obey them or I go to hell. They are based on the fact that if everyone follows them the world is a better place. Doing things for your own selfish reasons (not going to hell) does not make you a moral person. Well at least that's my view.
I don't know whether God exists. But I feel that following a bunch of arbitary types of worship instead of actually doing something useful is a waste of time.
So in summary, forced chapel turned me into an agnostic.
Do you think where you were born and your family influnced your beliefs?No. My mother has always been a firm believer of "find your own way". Although she had my brother and I in church when we were young, that stopped as I got older. I have MANY reasons for not being in church, and it basically wasn't a need for me.
I sought christianity on my own. Although I don't believe everything in the bible, I still believe MOST of what it says. But hey, that's just me.
The Great One has spoken.
Originally posted by Grayeyesofsorrow
Id like to start a thread off for people to write about how they came to their beliefs and religion. ie was it from a religious arguement, from reading a book, maybe you were born into that religion and have grown up with it. Do you think where you were born and your family influnced your beliefs?
It will be intresting to see how people come to believe while others dont.
Some added material for your query.