Originally posted by dryhumpThis is a straw man. No one is saying guns should be banned because of recent mass shootings. The argument is whether there shouldn't be stricter gun controls, and a ban on more "high-powered" firearms with huge magazines.
300000 people die every year due to obesity related illnesses. Is it time to ban sugar?
Originally posted by dryhumpIt is time to have free trade with Brazil and other cane sugar producers. When that happens corn sweeteners will not be able to compete and I suspect that obesity and diabetes will decline in the USA.
300000 people die every year due to obesity related illnesses. Is it time to ban sugar?
Originally posted by moon1969Just so we're clear, it's ok for people to die so you can eat chocolate cake? Way more people are killed by sugar than by guns. We don't have to continue this discussion at all if you'll admit you don't care about the dead, only about using them to limit freedom.
There are useful uses for sugar.
Originally posted by dryhumpNo. Dont ban sugar. Dont ban weed. Dont ban french fries or red meat.Dont ban cigs. Let it rip. Theres about 6 (or8?) billion of us and decent resources for probably one billion. Dont ban guns, bombs, or cookies with creme filings. Tee it high, let it fly. As an added bonus, you get to live in a world where some self righteous ass doesnt get to tell you what you can or cannot do. Definately dont ban booze. Last time that was done, well.....
300000 people die every year due to obesity related illnesses. Is it time to ban sugar?
Originally posted by SoothfastYour proposal sucks at preventing death when compared to mine. Obesity kills almost 10 times as many people a year as guns. If you don't count suicides, which don't need high powered rifles or large magazines, obesity is more than ten times as deadly.
This is a straw man. No one is saying guns should be banned because of recent mass shootings. The argument is whether there shouldn't be stricter gun controls, and a ban on more "high-powered" firearms with huge magazines.