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More EV Makers File for Bankruptcy

More EV Makers File for Bankruptcy



I thought you fellers were against bankruptcy. You see how we capitalists are amazed at your conflicts. EV Makers that have failed, bankrupting...., They were all wrapped up in the Biden trillion that was set aside for Saaaaavving Cliiiiiiiiiimmmatte !!
Fisker, Proterra, AlordsTown, Electric Last Mile Solutions .....All of these are the progeny of Obama's Solyndra, a total loss. Why do we have to subsidize these failures, why are we obsessed about climate change?
All of this going on, when the end result will not stop a 1 degree increase a 100 years, or 1000 years , from now?

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@AverageJoe1 said
I thought you fellers were against bankruptcy. You see how we capitalists are amazed at your conflicts. EV Makers that have failed, bankrupting...., They were all wrapped up in the Biden trillion that was set aside for Saaaaavving Cliiiiiiiiiimmmatte !!
Fisker, Proterra, AlordsTown, Electric Last Mile Solutions .....All of these are the progeny of Obama's Solyndra, a ...[text shortened]... ing on, when the end result will not stop a 1 degree increase a 100 years, or 1000 years , from now?
Joe is on a lying binge again. Many of these EV companies were not subsidized at all. In addition, look at history - over a hundred American car companies have failed in the last century (see link for complete list) In addition, the correct figure is 2.4 degrees in the last 90 years - NOT 1 degree in last thousand. Just ask the folks in the Midwest and south right now if it's any warmer.

Joe - It would be nice if you could get at least 10% of the facts right before posting your usual shovel full of lies here.



@AverageJoe1 said
I thought you fellers were against bankruptcy. You see how we capitalists are amazed at your conflicts. EV Makers that have failed, bankrupting...., They were all wrapped up in the Biden trillion that was set aside for Saaaaavving Cliiiiiiiiiimmmatte !!
Fisker, Proterra, AlordsTown, Electric Last Mile Solutions .....All of these are the progeny of Obama's Solyndra, a ...[text shortened]... ing on, when the end result will not stop a 1 degree increase a 100 years, or 1000 years , from now?
When we have our first 115F day this year next week, WAY earlier than normal (we've already had several 110F+ days so far and it is only June), I will think of you and your willful ignorance.

You and your corporate buddies are just cheap. You do not want to spend money now to ensure the human race doesn't have to go underground (literally). You figure you'll all be dead by then, so who cares about future generations. Selfish and greedy.

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