More people hurt by the ACA than helped

More people hurt by the ACA than helped


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Civis Americanus Sum

New York

26 Dec 07
08 Oct 14

Though the nation’s overall uninsured rate has dropped about five percentage points in the last year, Americans are still more likely to say the health care law hurt them rather than helped them, according to a new Gallup survey.

Fifty-four percent of respondents say Obamacare has “not had an effect” on them or their family. But those who did notice a change more likely thought it was a negative one: 27 percent said the law hurt them, while 16 percent said it helped them.




27 Oct 08
09 Oct 14

People generally don't like change, especially if it's a kind of charge where they cannot oversee the consequences.


22 Jun 08
09 Oct 14

Here in Oregon, people are fuming over the 200 million this state spent for a web site that did not work.. brilliant.

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
People generally don't like change, especially if it's a kind of charge where they cannot oversee the consequences.
Yes, best not to let people have control, better to have other people control those people. People that like to control more than those that don't like to be controlled should be in control.


04 Feb 05
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by sh76
[quote]Though the nation’s overall uninsured rate has dropped about five percentage points in the last year, Americans are still more likely to say the health care law hurt them rather than helped them, according to a new Gallup survey.

Fifty-four percent of respondents say Obamacare has “not had an effect” on them or their family. But those who did notice ...[text shortened]...
do you read what you post?

when 54% say obamacare had no effect, that alone disproves "More people hurt by the ACA than helped"

Die Cheeseburger


01 Sep 04
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by Zahlanzi
do you read what you post?

when 54% say obamacare had no effect, that alone disproves "More people hurt by the ACA than helped"
Then the 54% don't count for anything they're neutral. Neither hurt nor helped.

So something has been proven here and it has to with your ability to comprehend simple percentages and your propensity to run off at the mouth.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by sh76
[quote]Though the nation’s overall uninsured rate has dropped about five percentage points in the last year, Americans are still more likely to say the health care law hurt them rather than helped them, according to a new Gallup survey.

Fifty-four percent of respondents say Obamacare has “not had an effect” on them or their family. But those who did notice ...[text shortened]...
Just because people say it hurts them doesn't mean it actually does.



27 Oct 08
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by Wajoma
Yes, best not to let people have control, better to have other people control those people. People that like to control more than those that don't like to be controlled should be in control.
People generally don't like anarchism either.

29 Dec 08
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by sh76
[quote]Though the nation’s overall uninsured rate has dropped about five percentage points in the last year, Americans are still more likely to say the health care law hurt them rather than helped them, according to a new Gallup survey.

Fifty-four percent of respondents say Obamacare has “not had an effect” on them or their family. But those who did notice ...[text shortened]...
The report also says,
"While a majority of every partisan group acknowledged that the law didn’t affect them, Republicans were the least likely to believe it helped. Just 4 percent said it did, compared to 27 percent of Democrats and 16 percent of independents. "

So the most impactful reported correlation is to party affiliation. There is no reported correlation to any measure of quality, cost, or other aspect of actual health care.

30 Dec 04
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by rwingett
Just because people say it hurts them doesn't mean it actually does.
It has hurt me and my family. How can you say that it hasn't really hurt me when I say it has. How can you pass judgement on people's statements when you don't know them or their situation. Are there certain qualifiers I need to meet for my statement to be true in your eyes?

The ACA was presented by Obama as a money saver for Americans. Far from the truth for me. I believe he said that the premiums would go down by $2500 a year. Mine went up. By the end of 2014 my out of pocket expenses will be a little over $4000 dollars more than last year.

The ACA has hurt my family.

Reepy Rastardly Guy

Dustbin of history

13 Apr 07
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by boonon
How can you say that it hasn't really hurt me when I say it has.
All leftists believe they are better equipped to make decisions about your life than you are. Because shut up.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
People generally don't like anarchism either.
People generally have no idea what anarchism is.


04 Feb 05
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by JS357
The report also says,
"While a majority of every partisan group acknowledged that the law didn’t affect them, Republicans were the least likely to believe it helped. Just 4 percent said it did, compared to 27 percent of Democrats and 16 percent of independents. "

So the most impactful reported correlation is to party affiliation. There is no reported correlation to any measure of quality, cost, or other aspect of actual health care.
the 54% percent who say they don't see an improvement are equally meaningful. those are also in fact helped by the ACA. they are insured. they are helped.

the aca was supposed to help some people who had no coverage previously and not affect a large portion of the population. this survey proves exactly that, instead of proving what the OP thought it did.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by boonon
It has hurt me and my family. How can you say that it hasn't really hurt me when I say it has. How can you pass judgement on people's statements when you don't know them or their situation. Are there certain qualifiers I need to meet for my statement to be true in your eyes?

The ACA was presented by Obama as a money saver for Americans. Far from the truth ...[text shortened]... xpenses will be a little over $4000 dollars more than last year.

The ACA has hurt my family.
And why do you presume that your anecdotal experience is typical of the population at large? It seems obvious to me that the survey merely reflects people's ideological predispositions toward the ACA. Those who oppose the ACA have a higher proportion claiming that it's "hurting" them. What this "hurt" consists of is not made clear. It may be that it just hurts their feelings.


04 Feb 05
09 Oct 14

Originally posted by boonon
It has hurt me and my family. How can you say that it hasn't really hurt me when I say it has. How can you pass judgement on people's statements when you don't know them or their situation. Are there certain qualifiers I need to meet for my statement to be true in your eyes?

The ACA was presented by Obama as a money saver for Americans. Far from the truth ...[text shortened]... xpenses will be a little over $4000 dollars more than last year.

The ACA has hurt my family.
if you buy incredibly cheap stuff made in sweatshops in vietnam, and then vietnam does the right thing and imposes decent work conditions and wages, and your cheap crap goes up in price, you shouldn't have the nerve of complaining your crap is getting more expensive.

the previous situation with the healthcare was similar. the premiums were lower because medical insurers refused to insure sick people who actually needed help. because medical insurers did all kinds of crap to avoid paying medical bills and nobody could do anything about it.

you benefited from a shady business practice and now you complain about having to pay 4000 more a year. the cancer patient who couldn't get insured because of sleep apneea and now can is very sad about your situation and would like you to know he will be thinking about you poor innocent victim.